MOM report 23/9 – 28/9 G.CECCHET
MOM report Hall PPS commissioning Target tests last night MOM laptop
MOM report Hall PPS commissioning The PPS system is near is near final commissioning. Craig is discussing with ISIS in order to do the final tests on the PPS crates in the MLCR. DSA already under PPS control of ISIS. Any access to DSA has to be discussed with ISIS. New OPN from D.Findley giving MICE full responsibility of the security of the Hall untill Nov. 6 th, 2011
MOM report Target tests last night Last night Paul, Adam, Andrew and Henry tested the target hard/soft aspects and all went fine (see eLog). Problems came out when we started some magnets to setup a beamline to test some detectors: D2, Q3 and Q6 couldn’t be started, only D1; Not possible to setup HV to TOF’s using remote control;
MOM report DAQ not receiving any trigger (see various reasons in eLog); Martin Hughes is away so we do not yet know the run plans for tomorrow (except targhet). Run plans will be updated tomorrow afternoon.
MOM report MOM laptop The MOM laptop suddenly failed to be connect to the RAL network creating me many problems. Now it seems to be back to normal thanks to the help of Craig and Antony. I’ll prepare a more detailed report on this with some suggestions. I’ll send it to Linda and the collaboration waiting for comments.