T14: H UMAN I NFORMATION P ROCESSING 1 Ravi K. Vatrapu Director, Computatioanl Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) Associate Professor, Center for Applied ICT (CAICT) Copenhagen Business School Howitzvej 60, 2.10; Frederiksberg, DK-2000, Denmark Phone: Monday, 31-Jan-2011 T14: Human Information Processing: Lecture 01 2A20, ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark
O UTLINE Social Introductions Course Description Objectives Content Learning Outcomes Literature Examination Activities Learning Technologies Pedagogical Contract 2
S OCIAL I NTRODUCTIONS Name Place Degree Program, Year & Semester If you would like to share, a hobby Academic Interests Professional Interests Course expectations 3
How many of you have a psychology background? 4 1.Yes 2.No
What is your academic background? 5 1.Computer Science 2.Philosophy 3.Media 4.Arts & Humanities 5.Natural Sciences 6.Social Sciences 7.Business
Do you know of the term Bounded Rationality? 6 1.Yes 2.No
Do you know of the term perception? 7 1.Yes 2.No
Do you heard of Behavioural Economics? 8 1.Yes 2.No
9 To enable students to understand basic research findings in the field of human information processing and apply them to business and technology settings C OURSE Description: O BJECTIVE
10 Understand the issues, topics, and aspects of the cognitive sciences in general and human information processing in particular. Identify and discuss the basic research findings in human information processing with respect to human sensation, perception, attention, memory, knowledge representation & organization, language, decision-making, problem-solving, reasoning, and creativity Analyze, apply, and evaluate basic research findings in human information processing to business and technology environments C OURSE Description: L EARNING O UTCOMES
11 One textbook, a laboratory book for in-class exercises, and selected research articles Two Parts Topics in Cognitive Pyschology (Perception, Attention, Memory, Problem-solving, Decision-Making etc...) 3 Special Topics (Socio-Technical Interactions, Behavioral Economics, Neuromarketing) C OURSE Description: C ONTENT
C OURSE Description: L ITERATURE Textbook Sternberg, R. J. (2008). Cognitive Psychology (International 5 th ed.): Wadsworth Lab Book Francis, G., Neath, I., & VanHorn, D. (2008). CogLab 2.0 Online (or On a CD). Research Papers Popular Press Articles 12
How many of you purchased the textbooks? 13 1.Yes 2.No
C OURSE Description: E XAMINATION External examiner, 7-point marking scale B4: Oral examination with written work but without time for preparation at the exam 14 Exam Date Time of DayExam Type LocationRoom 2011-Apr-2709: Written workITU EBUSS-sekretariatet (2E11) 2011-Jun-179:00-16:30Oral examinationITURoom not available 2011-Jun-209:00-16:30Oral examinationITURoom not available
C OURSE Description: E XAMINATION The Danish 7-point Marking Scale 12 (Excellent): For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses. (ECTS A) 10 (Very good): For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weak- nesses. (ECTS B) 7 (Good): For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material, but also some weaknesses. (ECTS C) 4 (Fair): For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material, but also some major weaknesses. (ECTS D) 02 (Adequate): For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance. (ECTS E) 00 (Inadequate): For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance. (ECTS Fx) -3 (Poor): For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects. (ECTS F) 15
C OURSE Description: A CTIVITIES Mondays 12:00 – 14:00: Lectures 14:00 – 16:00: Exercises (No exercises in the first and last weeks) Total of 24 Lectures (12 weeks of 2 lectures each) Slide decks and lecture videos (screen recording) 20 exercises (10 weeks of 2 exercise activities each) Interactive exercises, field trips, experience reports, experiments etc… 16
C OURSE Description: LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES Course Portal Course Blog Blended Learning Facebook Group on Human Information Processing Etherpad (links will be ed)
P EDAGOGICAL C ONTRACT Considerate Social Behavior Innovative Pedagogical Techniques Meaningful learning activities Intrinsic and/or Extrinsic Motivation Participation & Engagement Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing 18
Discussion 19