Retention Plan 2011
Between 2007 and 2009, several committees, including A&S department chairs, issued recommendations for student retention. Their recommendations were submitted to the Provost’s office as the College retention plan. Many of these recommendations were implemented between 2009 and Current strategies include:
Make the college curriculum more accessible through more night and weekend courses, through long-term, predictable course schedules (2-3 years out), through incorporation of more on-line aspects. ◦ In the Fall of 2010 the College of Arts and Sciences introduced an Online Degree Completion Program. ◦ 20 students enrolled 100% retention for second term.
Promote (and expand) our programs for good students to keep UMKC their school of choice until they graduate (honors program, study abroad program, internships, research opportunities [e.g., SEARCH], etc.) ◦ The College continues to promote and encourage student participation in the honors program, study abroad, internships and SEARCH.
Develop a College-wide mentoring program for incoming students that includes peer and faculty mentoring. ◦ During the Spring of 2010 the College implemented a Faculty Mentor Program targeting undecided students. ◦ Student participation in the program was poor. ◦ Program is being reevaluated.
Develop an early alert system, in cooperation with Student Affairs, followed by an accountable and structured process for assisting at-risk students. ◦ Starting Fall 2009, the College participated in the piloting of an early alert software system. ◦ Students enrolled in A&S 100 participated in pilot study and completed online surveys. ◦ Students found at risk were contacted by advisors and referred to appropriate support services.
Maintain low student/faculty ratio while involving more student-oriented, tenure-line faculty in 100 and 200 level classes, including A&S100. ◦ Increasing enrollments threaten the low student/faculty ratio. Continue to recruit quality faculty to maintain ratio. ◦ Currently working on proposal for increasing faculty participation in first year experience course (A&S 100)
Cohort students for at least two classes (for example A&S100 and ENGL110). ◦ Cohorts create a familiar environment and opportunities to develop friendships. ◦ During the Fall of 2009 and 2010 A&S advisors made course recommendations to incoming students based on cohorts. Many students were enrolled in at least 2 courses with other students from their cohort.
A&S departmental advisors maintain regularly scheduled office hours throughout the summer session to assist current students ◦ Faculty provided summer advising. ◦ All departments participated in the program.
A Social-Work GRA “Life Coach” will be available to students with non-academic life issues that endanger their success at UMKC. ◦ Fall 2009, Life Coach position filled ◦ Number of students served doubled in ◦ Student needs include: homelessness, mental health, domestic violence, and study skills. ◦ Life Coach makes appropriate referrals as necessary.
Based on a review of best practices in student retention, the College will maintain its current strategies and will work to implement additional strategies to encourage student retention. These strategies include:
The College will work with departments to encourage the creation of additional internship opportunities and increase the number of participating students. We will target all students for participation with the goal of increasing the range of opportunities.
The College will continue to focus on increasing the number of research opportunities for undergraduate students and the number of students participating in such programs as SEARCH. We will seek to increase the number of faculty participating in undergraduate research programs and attending research events.
Will target all students and encourage faculty to advertise, and encourage participation in, study abroad opportunities for students. Increase the number of students participating in study abroad programs. Work with students to overcome cost-related barriers to study abroad programs.
Work to revise a “Freshman Experience” course in the College. Increase the number of incoming students enrolled in A&S 100. Work to encourage more full-time faculty involvement in course. Ensure a core curriculum that meets the needs of incoming students.
The College will seek to increase student contact with faculty advisors. The College currently has a proposal under consideration to require all BLA students to declare a minor. BLA students will be required to meet with a faculty advisor for the minor.
Will work with the A&S Advising Office to improve student satisfaction with academic advising. Students are encouraged to complete satisfaction surveys at the end of each advising session. Student surveys can be used to identify areas needed for improvement as well as areas that are successful.
The College will continue to encourage the development of new night, weekend and online courses. Encourage full time faculty to participate in PACE. Create incentives to increase the number of online course offerings. Increase student participation in Online Degree Completion.
The utilization of supplemental instructors benefits both struggling and high achieving students. The college will continue to support and encourage students to participate in the SI program. Will encourage faculty to get students to attend SI sessions.
Work to develop a new peer mentoring program in the College. As with SI, a peer mentoring program is advantageous to both new and existing students. The College will seek out opportunities to implement best-practices in peer mentoring.
Continue to cohort incoming students into same introductory courses. Increase student participation in Ufirst (early alert system). Develop strategies to reduce number of students receiving D, F and Ws in challenging courses (e.g. Math, Logic) such as attending SI sessions, utilizing current academic support services, screening students to ensure they are prepared to enroll in courses along with early identification of struggling students.