Escape Into The HIRE Center’s History Inquiring Minds Want to Know…
Why were we born?
In 1994, Norma Rees, as CSUEB president, wanted the University to become involved in school-to-work activities.
Who named the HIRE Center?
Lynn Paringer, who was the HIRE Center’s Associate Director from 1994 to 2006.
When was the HIRE Center Bee born and when he was named?
Carlos was born in May 2003 and named in November 2009.
Who were our charter board members?
Eric Suess College of Science, CSUEB Emily Brizendine College of Education, CSUEB Frank Mott Ohio State University John Mergendoller Buck Institute for Education David Korth City of Hayward
Who initiated and who currently holds responsibility for the HIRE Center image?
Debra Strong, a MA student, conceived our first logo, brochure, and promotional materials with Pam Scrutton maintaining our image since 2001.
Who designed our first website?
Scott Campbell, a BA Econ student.
Who provided administrative order to the HIRE Center’s start-up chaos?
Jenny Reid set up our office administration, the same services she provided for the Smith Center a few years earlier.
Who has been a partner since 1996?
Why the HIRE Center was called trailer trash?
We spent our first 13 years in trailers. Our first trailer was expanded into a faux doublewide before being condemned, demolished, and replaced with a true doublewide.
What did we do while we awaited construction of our doublewide?
We lived in a one-room trailer in the center of campus.
What did it take to move us out of trailers?
A $10,000 donation for an office in the VBT.
Who are our certified beverage servers?
Denise Crozier, Ryan Hoadwonic, Nan Maxwell, and Mike Wagner are CSUEB responsible beverage servers.
Who completed 2 masters degrees while working full time at the HIRE Center?
Ryan Hoadwonic…And then he left us to be a Principal Research Analyst at UC Irvine.
How are we linked with the Reutlingen University in Germany?
They brought us 29 student assistants through their 4+ program.
What 3 children of CBE employees began their work life at the HIRE Center?
Laurette Dulkie (Kathy Dulkie, mother) Phillip Tyko (Diane Satin, mother) Abigail D’Amico (Nan Maxwell, mother) No Picture
What couple survived HIRE Center employment?
Kami and Craig Huntzinger’s marriage survived despite Kami calling the University Police about a suspected thief, who turned out to be Craig.
Our proudest moments have come from working with students. As of May 2010 we have: Awarded 15 Scholarships Hired 99 University students Sent 9 students into PHD programs Provided 9 high school students with internships