Ryan Buenemann Thomas Mcgeehon Birute Simkeviciute Thomas Starr Tam Tran Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence 2011 HOMICIDE DETECTION
Introduction St. Louis city Population of 356,587 (2009) Grow rate 2.45% until 2014 Ranked 20th among all U.S. Metropolitan Statistic Area’s (U.S. Census Bureau 2010) Average each year St. Louis lost 182 life by Homicide Male>Female; Black = White; Young>Old(50 and up)
Allocating Data Crime reports per district Types of crimes per district Association with neighborhoods Geography
Interactive Crime Map
District Map
Chart and Dataset Comparison 2009 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDistrict Totals District District District District District District District District District Monthly Totals
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDistrict Totals District District District District District District District District District Monthly Totals Chart and Dataset Comparison 2010
District Average Murders for 2009 and 2010
Average Murders for 5, 6, & 7 of
Homicide Chart KILLER
Homicides have correlation with the price of crude oil
Noticeable Changes District 3 – Soulard has highest total of murders 2010 has 4 th highest total of murders District 6 – Jennings
Hypothesis The most probable area for homicide to occur in 2011 in District 6 Based on past crime reports it is a far a assumption that Districts 5, 6, & 7 will remain to have higher homicides rates
Hypothesis District 6 recently has become the district with the most homicides. Reasons Higher income families are moving south and west of city Current prevention efforts are inadequate in these areas and need to be stepped up to improve the safety of their citizens
Homicide occurrence according to stltoday between Jan. 4 and Feb. 17 Homicides have been accruing in areas predicted by the research Homicides in the St. Louis area this year
Works Cited Official Website of the Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis Official Website of the Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis SLMPD Crime Statistics SLMPD Crime Statistics Welcome to CrimeReports.com Welcome to CrimeReports.com SLMPD Your Neighborhood SLMPD Your Neighborhood AWH St. Louis City Police Frequencies, Radio Codes and Talk groups AWH St. Louis City Police Frequencies, Radio Codes and Talk groups STLtoday.com/Post Dispatch 2011 Homicide Map STLtoday.com/Post Dispatch 2011 Homicide Map Us census crime rate Us census crime rate