Inventing Strategies for Change Women’s Faculty Cabinet Fall Reception, 2009 Caroline Hayes WFC Chair, 2009-2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Inventing Strategies for Change Women’s Faculty Cabinet Fall Reception, 2009 Caroline Hayes WFC Chair,

Inventive Strategies for Change Example issue: Career Pipeline Young women often fail to choose science and engineering as a career (Pryor, et al, 2007)* Women graduating with PhDs often fail to apply for faculty positions. * Pryor, Hurtando, Sharkness & Korn (2007) “The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2007, HERI. Neil Munro, “Science Faces Title IX Test, ” National Journal Magazine, Saturday, July 4, 2009.

Example strategy Nancy Johnson’s (Mechanical Engineering, Communications Specialist) photographic project: Inventive Women* When shown to the public, such images have the potential to change how people think about women and faculty, May impact the career choices of young people, and PhDs entering the job market. Funded by the Institute of Technology, and an IDEA Grant from the Office of Equity and Diversity,

Reception Goals To solicit community input on: Inventive strategies for change at UMN However, effective strategies are informed by the process of change, including: –Mission, –Needs and issues at UMN, –Existing strategies & best practices.

WFC Mission To improve and enrich the academic and professional environments for women faculty at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Ensure that the University continues and strengthens its commitment to the success of its women faculty members. We are beginning the fourth, full-year of operation.

This mission ties directly to the University’s Strategic Plan Gender diversity, and diversity overall, is critical for being a top research university. Relevant to all faculty, Critical to the health, productivity, creativity and excellence of departments, colleges, and the university as a whole.

Introductions Cabinet Members: Caroline Hayes (Chair) Mechanical Engineering, Lisa Channer, Theater Arts and Dance, Keya Ganguly, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, Rhonda Franklin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Patricia A. Frazier, Psychology Helga Leitner, Geography, Colleen Flaherty Manchester, Human Resources and Industrial Relations. Ex officio to Cabinet: Peg Lonnquist, Director, Women’s Center. Michele Goodwin (Chair-Elect) Law School, Nancy Raymond, Psychiatry, Linda L. Halcón, Nursing, Roberta M. Humphreys, Astronomy, Linda Kinkel, Plant Pathology, Alice A. Larson, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Vet. and Biomedical Sciences, Janet Schottel, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics. Staff to Cabinet: Karen Zentner Bacig, Associate to the Vice Provost for Faculty.

The process of change The role of the WFC is not necessarily to do all of these activities ourselves, But to inform, connect, catalyze and enable groups that can. Assess status Identify needs Engage and educate the community & leaders Identify best practices & relevant strategies Implement Evaluate Win resources

Assess Status: Strengths at UMN The social sciences at UMN have significantly higher percentages of women faculty than national norms; Political Science & Sociology at UMN stand out. Can we learn what they do well, and replicate it in other departments? Joan Burrelli (2008) “Thirty-Three Years of Women in S&E Faculty Positions” National Science Foundation, Info Brief. ** NSF categorization of Social Science excludes Psychology; includes : Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, Public Policy, Anthropology, Geography, Ethnic studies, etc. * **

Needs Identified Few women faculty, especially in engineering and the physical sciences, Female faculty experience more job stress at UMN than the male faculty, Women and men desire a better work-life balance. UMN 2008 Pulse Survey Results Manchester, WFC Spring Reception Presentation * ** * Significant difference

Educating & Engaging the University Community Past and Future WFC Receptions: Fall 2008: Phillys Moen, Sociology, UMN Work-Life balance Spring 2009: Colleen Manchester, Carlson School, UMN 2008 Pulse Survey Data: Climate at UMN Spring 2010: Gene Borgida, Psychology, UMN Implicit biases

Identify Best Practices Examples Learned from Other Institutions Climate survey for departments (U. Wisconsin) Evidence-based briefings for search committees (implemented in IT), new department heads (implemented at Vice Provost’s level). (U. Michigan) Steering Committees addressing gender and climate issues should be half men, or more. (U. Michigan) Theatrical enactments were critical in helping all faculty understand issues faced by under-represented faculty (U. Michigan). Change requires the engagement and efforts of the whole community!

Implementation Examples at UMN At Vice Provost & Provost Level: –Workshops: becoming an academic administrator: sessions for women. –Tenure and promotion workshop, special sessions for women –New department heads training, diversity training. At the College Level: Examples in IT: –Evidence-based briefings for search committees, Change requires the engagement and efforts of all levels of the community!

Other WFC Change Strategies Engagement with Policy Committees: –Social Senate Concerns: family leave. –Tenure and Academic Freedom – stopping the clock, policy, implementation and cultural acceptance of policies. Engagement with University Leaders: –“Conversations with the Provost” – childcare. – Council of Deans: strategies for change.

We need community feedback: What Inventive Strategies for Change could be used at UMN to improve the work place for faculty women (and men) ? These could involve: –Data collection to clarify issues (such as: Why are senior women faculty more stressed?) –Activities aimed at recruiting, retention, promotion, climate, etc. Funding Sources focusing on women & gender