Tracker Reconstruction Stuff Timothy Carlisle Oxford.


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Presentation transcript:

Tracker Reconstruction Stuff Timothy Carlisle Oxford

Track Finding... Upstream TrackerDownstream Tracker 10,000 muons 6mm beam Two Trackers, no material Step IV fields

Resolution – middle Station X resolution Px resolution Pz resolution (Equivalent for y & Py)

Step IV Empty Black – mc [Virtual Planes], 99.5% Transmitted Green - mc Blue – reconstructed Emittance 4d [mm] Av. Pz [MeV/c] Condition: Abs(mc – rec) < 50 for x, y, px, py to avoid daft emittances..

Step IV with 63mm LiH Black – mc [Virtual Planes] Green - mc Blue – reconstructed Emittance 4d [mm] Av. Pz [MeV/c]