Seminar in Parallel Computing Architectures Fall 2012 Ran Ginosar, Pre-requisite: Parallel Computing Architectures
Goals Learn interesting advanced areas – Some topics to complete holes in my education – Some topics may be useful for future MSc/PhD research Prepare for research
Rules For i=1,2 do – Suggest a topic and 1-3 papers, get my approval – Study the topic – Meet me to discuss – Teach it to us in 1-2 lectures (2-4 hours) – Hand in the slides with notes Attend all other teachings, study Enjoy !
Areas of Interest Many-cores – Architecture, test cases, programming models 3D architecture – (does not include technology papers) Very large supercomputers based on many- cores
Ideas Papers on Rigel from MIT CSAIL TR from click on Technical Reports (some Tilera-oriented reports may be stored there) Papers on XMT from Mapping PRAM algorithms to many-core architectures (Plural, XMT, Tilera) Papers on the Angstrom and EM2 projects at MIT Papers on Task Superscalar from Papers on scheduling in many-cores Papers on performance evaluation Papers on interesting many-core ideas – Research centers – Conferences (ISCA, Micro, HPCA, PACT, SPAA,...) Papers on parallel programming languages – Cilk, OpenMP, MPI, functional, … – Algorithms using them, architectural support, etc. Present your final project in and supporting literature
Time Table Sundays 14:30-16:30, F’ 404 EE 353 Irregular. Depends on your preparedness If we don’t finish during the semester, we will arrange marathon days after the end Send me with your proposals for papers and talks by 15 November 2012 – Include full citation of each paper, so it is easy to find. If not so easy, include URL or the paper itself