Unit 6: Lifestyle and Leisure AGENDA Learn about career anchors. Describe the need for balance amid work and non-work roles Establish leisure goals and understand the importance of these
EH Schein’s Career Anchors Technical/Functional competence General Managerial competence Autonomy/Independence Security/Stability Entrepreneurial Creativity Service/Dedication to a cause Pure Challenge Lifestyle Integration
M T S Ch A L LI D E Totals
LEISURE: David Steindl-Rast’s Definition LEISURE, the balance between work and rest, is the opposite of idleness because it is the basis from which good work starts and grows. Leisure is the beginning of all virtues in the sense that it is an inner attitude of openness and trust. Its characteristics are “taking it easy” rather than “keeping busy,” of “allowing things to happen,” not “keeping things under control.” Trust is necessary, because we can only let things happen if we believe that things will work out all right, that events and circumstances and things and situations come from a source that wants our good. The difference between this inner openness and a kind of nervous choosiness is the difference between an open hand and a clenched fist. Thus, leisure is the basis for full awareness; as long as we pick and choose we limit our horizons. And, to the degree to which our awareness is increased, our aliveness is increased. Leisure is the amount of our aliveness.
Leisure Planning Worksheet Instructions: For one week, track your daily activities. Create category headers in the blank upper row next to “Eat” for the activities you typically engage in, such as watch TV, surf the web, read, visit with family/friends. Total you time at the end of Sunday, before going to bed (include sleep hours Sunday night though!) Then enter learning at the bottom. Use 15 minute intervals to capture your time expenditures as accurately as possible. For example: 2.25 hours DAY Sleep Work Eat Other Total Monday 24 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday TOTALS 168 I learned that:
In conclusion you have learned: About your career anchors. About the need for balance amid work and non-work roles How to establish leisure goals and understand the importance of these