◦ The development of an oppositional sub-culture ◦ A response to “alienation” The code “dictates” social interaction in the inner city The code as a:
Socialization at home and on the streets The code is “just” families ◦ Generally accept “mainstream” values families Campaigning for Respect” What is “respect?” ◦
Gaining Respect ◦ ◦ ◦ A violent, “zero-sum” game. ◦ Manhood, and the code as a shield
What is Justice? Key Concepts ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Setting the stage ◦ Rising crime rate in DC ◦ Demographic trends ◦ Martinson, 1974 ◦ Rise of “just desserts” model of punishment
The “objective” vs. the “subjective” ◦ 64 arrests within a two-block radius ◦ 120 men “admitted to the D.C. correctional system…” 25% of them on drug charges Others on charges related to drug addiction
Barring Blacks from White neighborhoods ◦ ◦ ◦ Population shifts from the cities to the suburbs Social Disorganization
Living in a socially-disorganized neighborhood ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Becoming socially disorganized ◦ Signs of social disorganization ◦ Consequences of social disorganization
The loss of human and social capital. ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Loss of community Different perspectives ◦ ◦
Value families no less than others Missing fathers in ½ the families Why are they missing? Collateral damage…
Importance of families for socialization Londa and Derek ◦ Network map on page 42 ◦ ◦ ◦
Addiction, the CJ System’s response to it, and the hardships of incarceration ◦ ◦ Lying, erratic behavior, late night disappearances, pleading for money, stealing
Cycling through addiction and the system ◦ Prisoner’s dilemma, the drug edition
David’s network ◦ But was that the only reason? ◦ Cathleen and Davida ◦ Shipping inmates out of state ◦ Job or life?
Health in the inner-city ◦ Risks of a high-risk lifestyle
Far less likely to have health insurance (this should change, unless…) Generally poor nutrition, which is related to income, can lead to health issues ◦ ◦ Lower average age of death
Raises concerns because ◦ Prisoners in contact with staff who mingle with general public ◦ ◦ Jurisdiction holding person in correctional facility must pay for health care
How incarceration undermines marriage and family development ◦ ◦ ◦ Incarcerated, “street,” or “ex-con” ◦ Some women “settle”
How incarceration undermines marriage and family development ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Quote on page 89 Why are fathers missing? ◦
As incarceration increases, rate of father absence increases than among middle-class families ◦ But what does all this data mean? ◦ Caution –
Relationships are based on exchange Exchange requires ◦ And this trust must be accrued over the Poor families in neighborhoods where incarceration rates are highest have fewer in life. …but there is nothing different about these families, compared to middle- class families ◦
Norms of reciprocity, again Accountability ◦ A collapse in -family breakdown The added burden of a non-reciprocal relationship
Kenny’s contributions ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Kenny and the Code of the Streets ◦ How long did it take for Kenny’s family to feel the effects of his incarceration?
The extensiveness of this network Maintaining a family from multiple- states away… “…deserving of the kind of open- ended relationship in which participants can call upon one another according to their needs” (117) The of incarceration Difficulties faced post-incarceration
How to help your loved one in prison? The indignities (and stresses) of visitation ◦ Variation in application leads to frustration
How the incarcerated deals with his shame and guilt What a child feels: ◦
What a child feels: ◦ Stigma ◦ in treatment of loved one in the hardships faced ◦ The important need for
The issue of phone calls ◦ Care packages Travel to and from prison Direct money contributions and gifts The “less tangible” costs
2/3rds of offenders employed Loss of “non-monetary” assistance (the lack of) Wealth Transmission ◦
The role of racial disparity in the (criminal justice) system ◦ $300,000,000,000 ◦ ¾ Whites own homes compared to ½ Blacks ◦ Blacks have 1/3 the assets of whites
The loss of and capital Increased marginal costs ◦ ◦ The impact of a non-reciprocal exchange relationships ◦ Increased transaction costs ◦ Social information exchange and the establishment of ◦ Sharing the burden through intimate relationships
Incarceration and Childhood ◦ Growing up too soon Sibs and household work ◦ Sexual abuse ◦ Depression ◦ Truancy/running away ◦ Importance of fathers ◦ Scarred children (footnote page 103)
Pains of losing the loved one Fear for loved one in prison Increase in tensions within the family Loss of human connections The incarcerated faces additional worry about their loved ones on the outside
Feelings of loss ◦ Lonliness Shame and guilt ◦ Eating and sleeping disorders academic performance
Father’s absence early sexual activity in girls This leads to rates of teenage pregnancy Which in turn is linked to: ◦ educational attainment ◦ career achievement
Which in turn is linked to: ◦ educational attainment ◦ career achievement ◦ Health problems ◦ Inadequate social support for parenting ◦ All of which leads to continued exposure to poverty, and the continuing of the cycle…
Why don’t we know more about these issues? Stigma defined the role of shame in punishment ◦ Stigmatizers and the Stigmatized Stigma and daily life
The “self” as a transaction The looking-glass self/reflected appraisals The role of identity Identity hierarchy Identity as a transaction ◦ How identity influences social interaction
Sticky stigma Stigma travels through social networks Stigma and Identity Reflected Appraisals ◦ ◦ The Hidden Cost of Shame
Prayer as a way to cope with life’s problems. Way to cope with problems on feels they have no control over ◦ Religious beliefs and Religious communities
Incarceration and Stigma are generally hidden Speech is public. Silence and estrangement is private “…a repression of public thought, of our collective imagination.”
Collateral damage of punishment How law shapes perceptions and identity ◦ ◦ ◦
The failure of the criminal justice system “stems from a fundamental misapprehension of the social world, one that obscures the relationships individuals have with one another. By conceptually stripping individuals of their most common and fundamental commitments, policymakers have imagined that they can transform poverty-stricken neighborhoods through the sheer force of the sanctions imposed.”