AAE 450 Spring 2008 Danielle Yaple 7 February 2008 Avionics Group, GC, CAD, MAT Model Analysis Trios Combined Code 1.


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Presentation transcript:

AAE 450 Spring 2008 Danielle Yaple 7 February 2008 Avionics Group, GC, CAD, MAT Model Analysis Trios Combined Code 1

AAE 450 Spring 2008 MAT Code User Inputs  Delta V (vary case to case, 7000,9000,12000,15000,18000 m/s)  Payload Mass (.2, 1, 5 kg)  Stages (2 or 3)  Propellant Type (Cryogenic, Storable, Hybrid, or Solid)  Tank Material (Steel, Aluminum, Composite, Titanium)  Launch Type (Ground, Balloon,Aircraft) Outputs Model Name, GLOW (kg), Total Cost*, Propellant Costs per Stage, Tank Cost per Stage, Inert Mass Fractions per Stage and Stage Lengths 4 min Run Time Avionics 2

AAE 450 Spring 2008 Sample Data Avionics Future Work  Costs, Trajectory  Make Graphs of Information for Vechicle Decisions 3

Code Input Section % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Enter desired analysis inputs here % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% delta_v = 12000; % m/s payload_mass = 1; % kg - 0.2kg, 1kg, 5kg stages = 3; % number of stages propellant_type = [4, 4, 4]; % Propellant type - 1: Cryogenic, 2: Storable, 3: Hybrid, 4: Solid, 0:n/a tank_material = ['A', 'A', 'A']; % Tank material - S: Steel, A: Aluminum, C: Composite, T: Titanium, X: n/a launch_type = 1; % Launch Type - 1: Ground, 2: Balloon, 3: Aircraft AAE 450 Spring 20084

Code Output Begin program execution at: 07-Feb :58:20 New best GLOW : New best GLOW : New best GLOW : New best GLOW : New best GLOW : New best GLOW : RESULTS for [MG-DA-DA-DA] MG-DA-DA-DA, 1.0, Ground, 3, 12000, 1933, 99.99, , , , , , , , , , , , ,Solid,Solid,Solid,Aluminum,Aluminum, Aluminum Program ended at 07-Feb :02:20 AAE 450 Spring 20085

Excel Sheet Model NamePayload Launch Type # of StagesDelta V GLOW (kg) Total Cost Stage 1 Prop Cost Stage 2 Prop Cost Stage 3 Prop Cost Ex:SG-CA-CA-CASmallGround312,0001,000 $300,0 00$10 Ex:LB-CA-CALargeBalloon29, $278,0 00$10 AAE 450 Spring 2008 Stage 1 Tank Cost Stage 2 Tank Cost Stage 3 Tank Cost Stage 1 Inert Mass Fraction Stage 2 Inert Mass Fraction Stage 3 Inert Mass Fraction Stage 1 Length Stage 2 Length Stage 3 Length Stage 1 Prop Stage 2 Prop Stage 3 Prop Stage 1 Material Stage 2 Material Stage 3 Material $ Cryogen ic AL $ Cryogen ic AL 6