Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, the learner will be able to: 1. Compose a 3 generation Genogram for both sides of a client’s family 2. Use appropriate genetic symbols 3. Counsel therapeutically 4. Refer as needed 2
Materials Needed: Client Paper Pen/pencil/colored pencils- optional Copy of appropriate genetic symbols 3
Genogram- Description 4
Genetic Symbols Website/link to access 5
Health Symbols 6
Genogram Key 7
Client’s Immediate Family 8
Client’s Family of Origin 9
Client’s Spouse’s Family of Origin 10
Client’s Maternal Grandparents 11
Client’s Paternal Grandparents 12
Client’s Spouses’ Maternal Grandparents 13
Client’s Spouses’ Paternal Grandparents 14
Genogram Interpretation 15
Resources/References Symbol sheet Website: general info Website: symbols 16 CLICK THE LINKS ABOVE TO ACCESS THE WEB SITES