P11211: L AND V EHICLE FOR E DUCATION : C HASSIS, M OTOR, P OWER Ryan Sutton: Project Manager / Mechanical Engineer Jonathan Fabian: Interface Manager / Electrical Engineer Jesse Keyser: Mechanical Engineer Matthew O’Neill: Mechanical Engineer
P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION Robotic Platform designed to support student created attachments Market: Freshmen Mechanical Engineers Key customer needs and associated engineering specifications: Mass Production CostLess than $150/unit DurableAble to withstand a drop of ≤ 3ft Supports Student CreationsAble to support ≤5lbs of additional weight Easy to OperateMove at a speed of ≥.5 MPH Turning radius ≤12in
D ESIGN C ONCEPT Convenience Charging Port Aesthetically Pleasing Façade MSA Control Interface MSA Mounting Points
S YSTEM A RCHITECTURE Chassis - P11211 PowerMSA Power Controls Power Drivetrain Power Frame Support MSA Support Internal Components ProtectionDrivetrainMotorsWheels/TiresGearboxMounting Attachments for MSA Attachments for Controls Attachments for Motors Attachments for Power Source Harness Power Cables Control Cables
P RODUCT D EVELOPMENT P ROCESS Phase 1: Planning Customer Needs Engineering Specs Phase 2: Concept Generation Drivetrain/Power Supply Shape/structure Phase 3: Analysis Torque requirement Power requirement Structural integrity Phase 4: Final Design Present detailed design Order parts Phase 5: Construction Machining Building Phase 6: Testing Confirm Engineering Specs Phase 7: Steps Forward Lighter robot will reduce cost
T ECHNICAL R ISK A SSESSMENT Risk ItemLikelihoodSeverityImportanceAction to Minimize Risk LVE dropped during use326 LVE constructed to handle drops. Complete a robust drop test analysis. Battery does not charge properly 224 A battery charger will be chosen based on the battery size and intended charge time. Electronics short to LVE Metal housing 224 Ensure adequate clearances between moving parts and wirers LVE is over budget326 Accurately project costs, reduce complexity of design. Discuss money distribution of other teams. Use cheaper parts. Parts arrive late236 Early identification of parts needed and their associated lead times. Modules are damaged during assembly 224 Color code interfaces, keyed attachment points. Encase fragile modules, durable interfaces. Vehicle is not aesthetically pleasing 326 Use different materials, more pleasing vents, colors, and lights. Motor fails122 Ensure motors sized for voltage level, and loading calculated from power analysis
S UMMARY OF T EST R ESULTS TestResult Chassis per unit cost (mass production)Fail Prototype costPass Unloaded LVE weightPass Payload weightPass Unloaded LVE speedPass Turning radiusPass Base area of LVE platformPass Drop testFail LVE run timePass Battery recharge timePass Surface temperaturePass Tissue testPass Material wastePass Maximum lead time for partsPass Limited number of screw typesPass
C URRENT S TATUS OF P ROJECT Meets all customer needs Meets all engineering specifications except: Mass production cost Drop test All tasks completed on schedule
B UDGET Prototype Budget: $ Prototype Actual Cost: $ Mass Production Budget (Per 10): $ Mass Production Cost (Per 10): $ Alternative Design Potential Cost (Mass Production): $125.46
MSD II P ROJECT M ILESTONES Week 2: Design finalized and parts ordered Week 5: Functional chassis prototype Week 6: Subsystem testing complete Week 7: Functional system prototype Week 8: Poster complete Week 9: System testing complete, technical paper complete, Imagine RIT exhibit
F UTURE W ORK Strive to cut down cost Unibody construction Weight reduction Motor size reduction Number of Parts reduction Battery size reduction Machining and assembly time reduction Further develop P11211 alternative design suggestion Further develop DPM rework