Standing on the shoulders of giants Superman: “I’m here to fight for truth, justice, and the American Way.” Lois Lane: “You’re gonna wind up fighting every elected official in this country!” Superman (1978) 2
Truth, justice, and cake cutting Division of a heterogeneous divisible good The cake is the interval [0,1] Set of agents N={1,...,n} Piece of cake X [0,1] = finite union of disjoint intervals Each agent has a valuation function V i over pieces of cake Integral over a value density function v i i N, V i (0,1) = 1 Find an allocation A 1,...,A n 3
Truth, justice, and cake cutting Proportionality: i N, V i (A i ) 1/n Envy-freeness: i,j N, V i (A i ) V i (A j ) Assuming free disposal the two properties are incomparable Envy-free but not proportional: throw away cake Proportional but not envy-free 1/3 1/2 1/
Some childhood nostalgia Assume that n=2 The cut and choose algorithm [Procaccia&Procaccia, circa 1987?]: Player 1 cuts the cake into two pieces X 1,X 2 s.t. V 1 (X 1 )=V 1 (X 2 ) = ½ Player 2 chooses the piece that he prefers Player 1 gets the other piece Not a bad algorithm! Envy-free proportional (Contiguous pieces one cut) 1/2 1/3 2/3 5
Cake cutting is not a piece of cake Very cool envy-free algorithm for n=3 [Selfridge&Conway, circa 1960] Envy-free algorithm for n 4 [Brams&Taylor, 1995] May require an unbounded number of steps! Recent lower bounds in a concrete complexity model Envy-free unbounded assuming contiguous pieces [Stromquist, 2008] (n 2 ) lower bound for envy-free cake cutting [Procaccia, 2009] 6
Truth, justice, and cake cutting Previous work considered strategyproof cake cutting [Brams, Jones & Klamler 2006, 2008] Their notion: agents report the truth if there exist valuations for others s.t. agent does not gain by lying Prior-free! Truthful algorithm = truthfulness is a dominant strategy Cut and choose is “strategyproof” but not truthful 7
An inconvenient truth Goal: design truthful, fair (envy-free and proportional), and tractable cake cutting algorithms Requires restricting the valuation functions Valuation V i is piecewise constant if its value density function v i is piecewise constant Valuation is piecewise uniform if moreover v i is some uniform constant or zero Agent is uniformly interested in piece of cake U i Representation: boundaries of these intervals A natural (?) restriction and also proof of concept 8
Restricted valuations illustrated Piecewise constant valuation that is not piecewise uniform Piecewise uniform valuation V i ([0,0.1] [0.5,0.7]) = 0.4 9
The case of two agents: take 1 We first assume n=2 (and piecewise uniform valuations) A simple algorithm: For each agent, make a mark at the beginning and end of each of the agent’s desired intervals For each subinterval between consecutive marks, allocate left half to agent 1and right half to agent 2 Each agent gets value ½ envy-free and proportional ... but not truthful If U 1 = [0,0.5] and U 2 = [0,1] then A 1 = [0,0.25] [0.5,0.75] and A 2 = [0.25,0.5] [0.75,1] Agent 1 can gain by reporting [0,1] A 1 = [0,0.5] 10
The case of two agents: take 2 Initialization phase: 1. Discard [0,1]\U 1 U 2 2. Make a mark at the beginning and end of each desired interval 3. Allocate half of each subinterval between consecutive marks to agent 1 and half to agent 2 Denote: len(X) = the total length of intervals in X X 1 = U 1 \U 2, X 2 = U 2 \U 1, X 12 = U 1 U 2 Assume len(U 1 ) len(U 2 ) Another simple algorithm (that works) 11
The case of two agents: take 2 Swapping phase: 1. Swap pieces Y,Z of equal length where agent 1 owns Y, agent 2 owns Z, Y X 2, Z X 1 2. Swap pieces Y,Z of equal length where agent 1 owns Y, agent 2 owns Z, Y X 2, Z X If there are still pieces of X 2 owned by agent 1, give them to agent 2 U1U1 U1U1 U2U2 X1X1 X2X2 X 12 X2X2 Initialization phase: 1. Discard [0,1]\U 1 U 2 2. Make a mark at the beginning and end of each desired interval 3. Allocate half of each subinterval between consecutive marks to agent 1 and half to agent 2 12
Properties of the algorithm (n=2) Envy-free and proportional: obvious There are two cases (given len(U 1 ) len(U 2 )): len(U 1 ) len(U 1 U 2 )/2: the agents receive a desired piece of length len(U 1 U 2 )/2 (an exact allocation) len(U 1 ) len(U 1 U 2 )/2: agent 1 gets U 1 and agent 2 gets X 2 13 Swapping phase: 1. Swap pieces Y,Z of equal length where agent 1 owns Y, agent 2 owns Z, Y X 2, Z X 1 2. Swap pieces Y,Z of equal length where agent 1 owns Y, agent 2 owns Z, Y X 2, Z X If there are still pieces of X 2 owned by agent 1, give them to agent 2
The algorithm is truthful (n=2) Assume agent 1 misreports U’ 1 we have X’ 1, X’ 2, X’ 12 Can assume len(U 1 ) len(U 1 U 2 )/2 Originally got len(U 1 U 2 )/2 = (len(X 1 )+len(U 2 ))/2 Now gets len(U’ 1 U 2 )/2 = (len(X’ 1 )+len(U 2 ))/2 len(X’ 1 ) = len(X 1 ) k increases length of piece by k/2 but length of k is useless Crucial: Agent 1 first trades for X 1 len(X’ 1 ) = len(X 1 ) k decreases length of A 1 by k/2, before all of A 1 was desired 14
The general algorithm: setup 15 Let S N, X is a piece of cake D(S,X) = ( i S U i ) X = portions of X desired by at least one agent in S avg(S,X) = len(D(S,X))/|S| A 1,...,A n is exact wrt S,X if i S, len(A i )=avg(S,X) and A i is desired by agent i For example, S={1,2} and X=[0,1] U 1 =U 2 =[0,0.2] A 1 =[0,0.1], A 2 =[0.1,0.2] is exact U 1 =[0,0.2], U 2 =[0.3,0.7] no exact allocation
The general algorithm U1U1 Initialization: 1. S N, X [0,1] While S 1. S min argmin avg(S’,X) 2. Let E 1,...,E n be an exact allocation wrt S min,X 3. i S min, A i E i 4. S S\S min 5. X X\D(S min,X) 16 S’ S U3U3 U2U
The case of two agents revisited Assume len(U 1 ) len(U 2 ) S min is either {1} or {1,2} len(U 1 ) len(U 1 U 2 )/2: S min is {1,2}, give exact allocation wrt {1,2},[0,1] len(U 1 ) < len(U 1 U 2 )/2: S min is {1}, give 1 exact allocation wrt {1},[0,1] (U 1 ), the rest to 2 in next iteration 17 Initialization: 1. S N, X [0,1] While S 1. S min argmin avg(S,’X) 2. Let E 1,...,E n be an exact allocation w.r.t. S min,X 3. i S min, A i E i 4. S S\S min 5. X X\D(S min,X) S’ S
Exact allocations and network flow There are two problematic steps in while loop: Step 1: computing S min ? Step 2: existence and computation of exact allocation? Solution: use network flow 18 Initialization: 1. S N, X [0,1] While S 1. S min argmin avg(S,’X) 2. Let E 1,...,E n be an exact allocation w.r.t. S min,X 3. i S min, A i E i 4. S S\S min 5. X X\D(S min,X) S’ S
Let it flow 19 Define a graph G(S,X) Mark beginning and end of every interval in U i X Nodes: consecutive markings, agents, s and t For each I, edge (s,I) with capacity len(I) Each i N connected to t with capacity avg(S,X) Edge (I,i) with capacity if agent i desires interval I s s t t , ,1 0, , ,0.5 U 1 = [0,0.25] [0.5,1], U 2 = [0.1,0.4]
A lemma 20 Lemma: Let S N, a piece of cake X. If for all S’ S, avg(S’,X) avg(S,X) then there is a network flow of size len(D(S,X)) in G(S,X) Proof: Max Flow = Min Cut Disconnect subset T S from t at cost |T| avg(S,X) Need to additionally disconnect len(D(S\T,X)) =|S\T| avg(S\T,X) |S\T| avg(S,X) s s t t , ,1 0, , ,
Properties of the algorithm 21 Lemma: Let S N, a piece of cake X. If there exists a network flow of size len(D(S,X)) in G(S,X) then there is an exact allocation wrt S,X If S min minimizes avg(S’,X) then there is an exact flow wrt S min,X, can be computed using network flow algorithms Computing S min is similar but more involved Theorem: assume that the agents have piecewise uniform valuations, then the algorithm is truthful, proportional, envy-free, and polynomial-time
Randomized algorithms 22 A randomized alg is universally envy-free (resp., universally proportional) if it always returns an envy- free (resp., proportional) allocation A randomized alg is truthful in expectation if an agent cannot gain in expectation by lying Looking for universal fairness and truthfulness in expectation Does it make sense to look for fairness in expectation and universal truthfulness? Theorem: assume that the agents have piecewise linear valuations, then there is a randomized alg that is truthful in expectation, universally proportional, universally envy-free, and polynomial-time
Discussion 23 Conceptual contributions Truthful cake cutting Restricted valuations functions and tractable algorithms Communication model Many previous discrete algorithms can be simulated using eval and cut queries Our algorithms are centralized Future work Generalize deterministic algorithm Piecewise uniform valuations with minimum interval length
Bibliographic notes 24 Yiling Chen, John K. Lai, David C. Parkes and Ariel D. Procaccia. Truth, Justice, and Cake Cutting. In the proceedings of AAAI 2010 Full version coming soon, will be posted online (rought draft available on request)
Properties of the algorithm There are two problematic steps in while loop: Step 1: computing S min ? Step 2: existence and computation of exact allocation? Solution: use network flow / max flow min cut Theorem: assume that the agents have piecewise uniform valuations, then the algorithm is truthful, proportional, envy- free, and polynomial-time 26 Initialization: 1. S N, X [0,1] While S 1. S min argmin avg(S,’X) 2. Let E 1,...,E n be an exact allocation w.r.t. S min,X 3. i S min, A i E i 4. S S\S min 5. X X\D(S min,X) S’ S