LING 581: Advanced Computational Linguistics Lecture Notes May 5th
Administrivia All presentations due today (to get a grade)
WordNet Homework If you haven’t already, you should have ed me this report
QA Homework Idea: evaluate the feasibility of QA on the web – using TREC 9 QA examples – programming it up is optional – see and appreciate why it’s hard to do... Steps: – Pick 3 query groups – Simulate (programmatically) QA – use the Collins parser and WordNet to find answers to the queries – submit report (before final class next week) Example Question group What kind of animal was Winnie the Pooh? Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal? What species was Winnie the Pooh? Winnie the Pooh is an imitation of which animal? What was the species of Winnie the Pooh?
Review of Course Objectives This is a course designed to give students more in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with technique and software than possible in an introductory survey course such as LING 538. Theme: towards language understanding: – Treebanks: Penn Treebank, lookup software. Part-of- speech taggers. The use and modification of statistical parsers trained on Treebanks – Sentence Parsing using contemporary linguistic theory: Minimalist Program etc. – Ontologies and Semantic Networks: WordNet etc. – Question-Answering (QA) – Co-occurrence and similarity: COALS – Consumer Complaint Behavior (Jameson Watts)
FrameNet Hmm, let’s look at fill instead …