Avoiding dangers to the baby
Effects of alcohol and other drugs on pregnancy Mother-to-be has a big responsibility throughout pregnancy Good prenatal care is avoiding hazards Alcohol Drugs Smoking X-rays Chemicals Other substances infections
Effects of alcohol and other drugs on pregnancy Researchers and doctors believe that drugs consumed during pregnancy are a major cause for birth defects linked to environmental factors These drugs include: Alcohol Prescription and over-the-counter medicines Caffeine Nicotine Illegal drugs, such as heroin, LSD, ecstacy, etc. Inhalants
Alcohol Alcohol is a drug Small amount of alcohol can harm the developing baby Doctors recommend women consume no alcohol while trying to become pregnant and during pregnancy
Alcohol Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – incurable condition found in some children of mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy Includes wide range of physical and mental disabilities 1 in 5 babies born with FAS does not live to see first birthday Delayed physical growth Heart, liver, or kidney defects Hyperactivity Facial deformity Some are mentally retarded
Alcohol Some children may suffer from fetal alcohol effects Difficulties with learning, attention, memory, or problem solving Interfere with tissue growth and development Poor coordination and difficulty controlling behavior Some children may suffer from fetal alcohol effects Abnormalities caused by consuming alcohol while pregnant Suffer from same problems, but to a lesser degree Extent of damage to child is related to amount of alcohol consumed and stage of pregnancy
Prescription and Over-the-counter drugs Expectant mother should check with doctor before taking any medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements First three months of pregnancy are the most critical because body systems are being formed Chemicals found in some medications can cause severe harm Include prescription and OTC Even antacid can harm a fetus
Prescription and Over-the-counter drugs In 4th through 9th months, harmful substances may cause slow growth, infections, and bleeding at birth Medicines that are not necessary should be avoided! No drug is completely safe to use during pregnancy
caffeine Caffeine is in coffee, tea, cocoa, and most soft drinks Also in some foods and OTC medications Caffeine is a drug Can increase fetal heart rate and movement Large amounts increase risks of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth rate Also high risks of infant death
caffeine Babies born with low birth weight can have serious health problems and greater risks of long-term problems Caffeine can take fluid and calcium out of the body and interfere with the absorption of iron Caffeine also makes you feel full, which can interfere with proper nutrition
Tobacco Nicotine is harmful to the health of any person Especially harmful to baby’s development Low birth weight Premature birth Linked to respiratory infections and allergies Secondhand smoke has similar effects
Illegal drugs Should never be used, especially for expectant mothers Mother usually passes on addiction to baby through the bloodstream Newborns may suffer throughout their lives Go through period of withdrawal, those who survive have uncertain future Many children have learning and behavioral disorders
Illegal drugs Cocaine proven to increase the risk Miscarriage Stillbirth or premature birth May cause unborn child to have stroke Stroke can cause brain damage, heart attack, birth defects, or death Low birth weight Smaller heads Risk of seizures and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Illegal drugs Tremors Exaggerated startle response Sleeping and feeing problems Irritability Developmental delay
Illegal drugs Marijuana and Methamphetamine Ecstasy Low birth weight Premature delivery Breathing difficulties Poor attention span Drowsiness Heart defects Ecstasy Heart disease Physical abnormalities
Environmental hazards Pregnant women should be aware of these hazards X-rays Birth defects Mother should inform medical staff if pregnant Should always wear abdominal shields during x-rays
Environmental hazards Hazardous Substances and Chemicals Pregnant women should be careful about substances at home and work These include Paint Pesticides Lead Carbon monoxide Mercury Solvents
Diseases and infections Mother may get infection during pregnancy Some pose more risks than others Some can be treated without harm to baby, if found early and treated properly
Diseases and infections Rubella “German measles” Severe birth defects blindness Deafness Heart disease Mental retardation Vaccine may be dangerous for pregnant women and those who become pregnant shortly after Every women should be sure she is immune before becoming pregnant
Diseases and infections Toxoplasmosis Caused by parasite Quite common 60 million in US carry parasite Developing babies are at risk if mother gets disease Never clean cat’s litter box Never eat uncooked meat Wash hands after handling raw meat
Diseases and infections Chicken Pox Varicella is a viral infection that usually occurs in childhood Some women who have not had it will get it during pregnancy If pregnant woman gets it in early pregnancy, baby has slight risk of getting congenital varicella disease. Congenital means present at birth Can cause scarring of skin, limb defects, eye problems, and other abnormalities Sometimes miscarriage Women who have not had it should get the vaccine before becoming pregnant
Diseases and infections Chicken Pox Some women who have not had it will get it during pregnancy If pregnant woman gets it in early pregnancy, baby has slight risk of getting congenital varicella disease. Congenital means present at birth Can cause scarring of skin, limb defects, eye problems, and other abnormalities Sometimes miscarriage Women who have not had it should get the vaccine before becoming pregnant
Diseases and infections Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Can be passed to child through the birth process Syphilis Gonorrhea Hepatitis B Genital herpes AIDS Chlamydia May cause physical disabilities or even death
Diseases and infections Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Most doctors test pregnant women for syphilis and group B streptococcus Medical treatment can cure syphilis and gonorrhea and can relieve symptoms of herpes Syphillis Skin rash or lesions Bone or facial defomities Deafness Brain damage
Diseases and infections Syphillis May develop Anemia Jaundice Pneumonia 2 in 5 pregnancies will end in miscarriage, a stillbirth, or death if left untreated AIDS 35% to 65% risk that the virus will be passed Attacks the brain Baby may have seizures and retarded mental development Many states require and AIDS test early in pregnancy Mother with AIDS may take medication to help reduce risk of passing it to baby
Diseases and infections Genital Herpes Brain infection or mental retardation Some newborns will die Transmitted during birth process Medications to treat during pregnancy