Full Mission Simulation Test Report UPR-R(river) P(rock) University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus May 14, 2010
Team Members Lauren Colón Pedro J. Dávila Luis García Rafael Gavilanes Laura Obén Marilena Ortíz Oscar Resto Esteban Romero Noel Sánchez Verónica Zayas Students: Faculty Support: Vladimir Makarov Geraldo Morell Gladys Muñoz Rafael Velázquez Benjamin Bolaño Oscar Resto
Mission Overview Compare our results with River Rock 2009 results and findings. Measurement of selected gases in near-space conditions. Inorganic and organic aerosols survey in near-space conditions. Also, measure pressure at the laminar air flow during actual flight.
Changes Since Subsystem Integration There were no changes made since our last report, which was the Subsystem Integration and Testing Report.
Data will be stored in the Flash memory of the AVR. Semiconductor sensors heaters should be activated at least 30 minutes before launching, so they can be calibrated for the first half of the flight. Our canister is already supplied up to 13,000mA at 12 volts. So, we do not need external power to operate. Under experimental conditions, temperature will be running from room temperature to flight temperature. Subsystem Overview
Integration of Payload Everything fits together as planned. One issue is if the batteries fit in the new canister. As known, the bottom plate of the existing canister is being used at the battery plate. When the new canister arrives we will be able to know if the batteries fit.
Semiconductor Sensors’ Board Subsystem (Layer #1)
First and Second Battery Filters’ Subsystem (Layer #2)
Third Battery Filter and Manifold’s Sensor Subsystem (Layer #3)
Interface and AVR Boards’ Subsystem (Layer #4)
Battery Plate Subsystem (Layer #5)
Integration of Payload’s Subsystems
Subsystem Overview Subsystems: 1)Power/Batteries 2)AVR Flight computer and data storage 3)Gas Semiconductor Sensors/Signal Boards 4)Battery Filters 5)Flow Regulator 6)Selonoid Valves 7)Tubing 8)Structure
Test Descriptions We will asses the following tests: Check for any leaks in the tubing, fittings and valves. Inject different partial pressures of the gases of interest in order to calibrate the semiconductor sensors. Laminar air flow particles tests will not be conducted again this year.
Power/Batteries Status: Completed Test Completed: Voltage and current delivery. Results: Successful. No shortage.
Status: In Progress –We have one fully operational system, but we want to build a second AVR Computer. –We are still waiting for the boards. –We plan to do some modifications to the software. AVR Flight computer and data storage
Gas Semiconductor Sensors Status: In Progress –We want to refurbished the semiconductor sensor’s manifold. Upcoming Tests: Test the sensitivity of each sensor to its respective gas.
Gas Sensores Gas sensorItem No.Measuring Range H2H ppm NH 3 705<25 – 10,000 ppm NO x – 10 ppm H2SH2S7141 – 100 ppm NO >200 ppm Synkera Technologies Inc.
Battery Filters Status: In Progress –The main structure is already completed, but we still need to clean it and assemble the filters to the main structure. –We want to make sure that we work with the battery filters in a sterilized environment. Upcoming Tests: Pressure and vacuum tight seal.
Battery Filters
Flow Regulator Status: In Progress –Still need to be cleaned and sterilized. Upcoming Tests: Pressure and vacuum tight seal.
Pressure Regulator
Selonoid Valve Status: In Progress –Still need to be cleaned and tested with the AVR. Upcoming Tests: Pressure and vacuum tight seal.
Selonoid Valve
Tubing Status: In Progress –Still need to be cleaned and sterilized Upcoming Tests: Pressure and vacuum tight seal.
Structure Status: Completed Upcoming Tests: Inspect for structure integrity, cracks, and loose parts.
Overall Analysis We are still working on the different test that are supposed to be done to each subsystem. We are confident that the tests will be successful and we will be ready for launch when the time comes.
Lessons Learned We learned that no matter how small a problem may appear, it’s important to review and test every part of the payload to ensure proper function and safety during the flight. Next time, we will ensure that everything will be at 0V during pre- flight preparation and that every single subsystem works properly. We have learned to work as a team and to divide tasks and assignments with the help of our team leaders. We have also learned to cooperate and work together with other teams and universities.
Conclusions Our main concern right now involves our battery plate fitting on the new canister, as mentioned earlier. We expect our subsystems to fit properly into the canister, while complying with Wallops requirements of maintaining a 20 pound payload weight. We are working hard to complete every phase of this mission to ensure that we can launch our payload without any problem.