1 ST SEMESTER Speak up : Risk GPA : 3.5 or higher Join clubs : Be involved Make friends : Connections Talk to professors, take communication classes Develop your resume Seek on campus job, visit offices : ask to meet the director Seek an official position in a student club
2 ND SEMESTER Join the Co-op program Develop your resume Work hard at your club responsibilities Keep friendships Attend events Find that one professor to whom you can talk. Visit him/her Practice, practice,,practice your English Get high GPA’s Attend the career fairs
3 RD SEMESTER OPT Workshop Polish your resume Ask for mock interview Practice answering 20 interview questions Buy a smart business suit and practice wearing it Practice smiling and shaking hands Keep up your high grades : Good GPA’s Maintain your club responsibilities Practice, practice, practice English Take additional classes in specialist areas
NEVER…. Send an without checking it for spelling and grammar Never end a phone message without stating time, date of call and return call number When calling a professor / anyone always ask whether it’s a convenient time to speak Leave unclear messages Never forget to write thorough notes : Practice, practice, practice