2850 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Michigan 3475 Mainway, Ontario
GOAL 1: Broaden participation to include other congregations ACTIONS: Web resources (stories from 4 congregations, Bible study, education, sermon helps, etc.) Regional resource list for watershed management strategies
GOAL 2: Collaborate among ministries and agencies. ACTIONS: Involve CRWRC, CRWM, CRHM, BTGMI, OSJ, etc. Faith Alive publishing (theological framework) Network for Congregations Engage existing regional bodies (Home Missions and diaconal partners) Dialogue with Calvin Seminary
GOAL 3: Create a demonstration project (ex: rain garden) at each denominational headquarters. ACTIONS: Assess water use and run-off Build a demonstration project in response Integrate educational element for replication in congregations
GOAL 4: Broaden participation beyond the CRCNA. ACTIONS: RCA small group conference School teachers’ conventions Existing regional bodies and resource people