What should I say? Principled Arguments: We are more ‘Fair’. Often comes down to rights. Burden is to prove that your principle is more important. Practical Arguments We are more ‘Efficient’. About better outcomes. Burden is to prove that the better outcome will actually happen.
Principled Arguments... Principles and rights are never absolute. There exists many competing rights. How can we weigh up importance? 1. What prerequisites do certain rights need? Are these prerequisites satisfied for the issue in question? 2. Are rights of equal moral value? 3. Who’s rights are we talking about? Many vs few? Strong vs vulnerable? Goal: Convince us your team has more ‘Just’ intentions. This requires engaging opposing principle.
...and Practical Arguments? What benefits can we point to? How do we deliver? 1. Identify different stakeholders. Be specific. Try and differentiate broader groups. 2. Consider the incentives. How does the model change incentives? What behaviours are rewarded? What is punished? Clearly identify causal links. 3. Once incentives are changed, what are the positive outcomes that result? Why are these good? Rinse and repeat.
Generating a narrative. In many ways, debating is about telling a story about: What the problem is. What the real world is like. How people will respond. Telling an effective story or narrative is important. Use effective examples to illustrate points. Explain why these examples are similar to your explanation. Try to give a bit of context in your introduction to describe the world as it is. Engage and challenge the opposition narrative. A narrative should work to support and reinforce the logic of your arguments.