(Possible Consequences of Global Warming) Tuesday May 1, 2012 (Possible Consequences of Global Warming)
The Launch Pad Tuesday, 5/1/12 Give an example of a climate-related positive feedback cycle. Give an example of a climate-related negative feedback cycle.
Activity – Write 5 Test Questions on Atmospheric Heating F 4/10 Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative Date Issued Date Due Date Into Grade Speed Last Day Activity – Write 5 Test Questions on Atmospheric Heating F 4/10 Quiz 26 S 4/13 4/23 5/7 Activity – Write 3 Test Questions on Cyclones and Anticyclones 4/17 Quiz 27 4/20 Lab Worksheet – Climate Change 4/25 4/27
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Some Possible Consequences of Global Warming Global warming can alter the distribution of the world’s water resources and can effect the productivity of agricultural regions. It can cause a rise in global mean sea level. By changing weather patterns, global warming could cause a higher frequency and intensity of hurricanes. It can cause shifts in the paths of large-scale cyclonic storms. Global warming could also cause changes in frequency and intensity of heat waves and droughts.
Global Sea-Level Rise
The Effects of Sea-Level Changes on Gently-Sloping Shorelines
The Effects of Sea-Level Changes on Steeply-Sloping Shorelines
Sea Ice Melt
Sea Ice Melt Figure 20.26B
Shrinking and Disappearing Lakes