Justin Barker’s
Why I Chose The Cure They’re the band that got me heavily into music They’re one of the world’s most well- known bands Because they’re so big, finding information would be easy I often find myself relating to the lyrics
Goals To provide a website that enables fans of The Cure to learn more about them and explore some fun interactive pages To have fun while doing making the page (success)
Problems I Had Finding the time to actually do the website Finding an applet that suited my project and actually worked – I must have gone through six unsuccessful attempts before coming across the piano
What Made the Project Easy I’m currently a webmaster for the school’s website, so I know very well the importance of organization - if your folders aren’t maintained well, you will most likely spend twice as much time on your work I already knew quite a bit about The Cure so I knew right off the bat what info and images I wanted
A Few Things About the Site Black, white and gray Simple Easy to navigate No scrolling
Contents of the Site Proposal Spreadsheet Full discography Biography Music video for Boys Don’t Cry Piano applet Navigate to the site Navigate to the site