MICE Collaboration meeting May 31 st – June 3 rd 2009 RAL Tim Hayler, Andy Lintern DRAFT SEQUENCE OF EVENTS STEPS 1 - 3
Draft sequence of events depending on deliveries and ISIS schedule Install TOF1 and KL in place for step 1 Run step 1 (Sep 2009) Remove TOF1 and KL (move downstream) Install spectrometer solenoid (SS1) in step 2, in beam, position. Cool down, run to full current. Install diffuser Test diffuser Perform quench test Test diffuser Remove diffuser Move SS1 to parked step 2 position (This operation defines the space needed upstream of SS, is there enough room?). Install tracker into bore and align. Move SS1 with tracker back into beam position. Install diffuser, V plate in front of SS1 and TOF1 into cage. Install TOF2 and KL downstream of SS1. Run step 2 (Q4 2009)
Install KL and TOF1 in place for STEP 1
Remove TOF1 and KL Install SS1 in step 2 position cool down run to full current
Install diffuser Test diffuser Perform quench test Test diffuser Remove diffuser
INSTALL TRACKER Install and align the tracker into SS1 whilst in the parked, step 2, position. (This operation defines the space needed upstream of the SS, is there enough room?)
Move tracker and SS1 back into the in beam position for step 2 Install diffuser Install V plate and TOF1 cage Install TOF2 and KL