day 1 I learn about bioinformatics. How to get DNA from fruits as like banana and strawberry.
What is bioinformatics? Bioinformatics is the field of science in which biology, computer science, and information technology merge to form a single discipline.
How to get DNA from banana and strawberry. First we can bring one glass and put half glass of water. Then put 2t spoon of soap and ½ t spoon of salt. And we can filter after filter we can pure ½ glass of alcohol. After that we can get DNA from fruits.
Day 2 Information about DNA and RNA. Computer skills. Animation on central Dogma.
Information about DNA and RNA. DNA : it is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. RNA: it is a polymeric constituent of all living cells and many viruses. consisting of long single cells.
Computer skills and animation on central Dogma I learn how to installing Bio-Linux on computer. Animation on central Dogma are transcription and translation. Translation takes place after transcription of the genetic code into mRNA. Translation is the reading of the code on the mRNA into the amino acid sequence.
Day 3 and 4 I learn about volume of data. Introduction to bioinformatics software platforms.
I can learn how to download CFTR sequence. I learn how to arrange the DNA and put in order. I learn how to emboss command line programs in bio-Linux[ seqret, entret, transeq etc..]
Day 5 Finish project work which I work on day 4.