Process- Related Requirement Management By Viswaketan Reddy
Contents Introduction Software Process Requirement Management Process- Related Requirement Management Conclusion
Introduction The complexity of software projects is increasing with the frequent requirement changes and complicated relationship among the requirements. Statistics shows that requirements defects are the primary reason to software failure. So, running Requirements Management in projects is important.
Requirement management tools, such as Telelogic DOORS and Rational Requisite Pro, generally have none or little relationship with the software process. Requirement Management scheme related to software process need to be developed to improve the quality of software products.
Software Process A series of actions on developing and maintaining software and corresponding products, including software engineering and management actions. Software organizations adopt a well defined process to develop complex systems iteratively and predictably. Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Agile Process are the effective software processes concluded by some of the software organizations.
Rational Unified Process (RUP) RUP is use-case driven, iterative and incremental, covering generic activities in a software project. RUP strictly assigns tasks and responsibilities to get highly qualitative and customer-satisfied software products
Agile Process Agile Process includes a series of light-weighted process models and principles which includes Extreme Programming, SCRUM, crystal, feature-driven developing and adaptive developing. Methodologies are based on practices of program designing, coding and testing which are believed to enhance flexibility and productivity.
Requirements Management Requirement Management is a systematic method on identifying, organizing, communicating and managing variable requirements in a software developing procedure. Different software processes have their own Requirement Management features.
Inception, a Requirements Management activity in Rational Unified Process includes requirements acquisition, analysis, specification and validation. In agile process, the software requirements are developed iteratively. So, the responses are made depending upon the variations in the requirement.
Process- Related Requirements Management Different processes have similar Requirement Management modules such as acquisition, modeling, analysis etc.
Divide and conquer strategy is used to merge these modules into Requirement Management Domain. The functions of each module are studied and divided into atomic parts and then added into a Requirement Management Module library. These modules are added into a Requirement Management flow of desired software process.
Process- Related Requirement Change Management Rational Unified Process controls strictly on requirement changes. Agile Process welcomes alterations and requirement changes. By analyzing the RCM of RUP and Agile, general procedures of RCM can be achieved and RCM module is accepted
The requirements change procedure includes stages of applying, checking, auditing and announcing of requirement changes. Applying stage starts a change procedure. Checking stage takes a simple check of the change. Auditing stage completes the final assessment. Announcing stage broadcast the change result.
Conclusion Requirement Management is important yet difficult in a software project management. Process- Related Requirement Management can reduce risks in project development, upgrading process ability of software organization.
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