Attention as Information Selection There are a number of classic paradigms used to study attention –visual search
Attention as Information Selection There are a number of classic paradigms used to study attention –visual search –shadowing
Attention as Information Selection There are a number of classic paradigms used to study attention –visual search –shadowing –cue-target
Attention as Information Selection There are a number of classic paradigms used to study attention –visual search –shadowing –cue-target –Stroop Task B L U E
Theoretical Models of Attention
Broadbent (1958) conceptualized attention as information processing Used a cuing paradigm to show that attentional selection of one channel dramatically biased perception Believed that unattended inputs were filtered out altogether x x xx oo o o o
Early Selection Early Selection model postulated that attention acted as a strict gate at the lowest levels of sensory processing Based on concept of a limited capacity bottleneck