Generating Diverse Opponents with Multi-Objective Evolution Generating Diverse Opponents with Multi-Objective Evolution Alexandros Agapitos, Julian Togelius, Simon M. Lucas, J¨urgen Schmidhuber and Andreas Konstantinidis Presented by Patoka Amir
Overview Introduction Objectives Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Results Future work
Introduction F.E.A.R. winer of GameSpot Best Artificial Intelligence) Easy construction of game AI (F.E.A.R. winer of GameSpot Best Artificial Intelligence) F.E.A.R. Industry shifts focus to building interesting, divers and believable CI.
Introduction (Cont) DIFFICULTY LEVELS: Barbarians Free Units Research Maintenance Costs Health and Happiness Artificial Intelligence Penalties AI Freebies Tribal Villages
Introduction (Cont) Predictable AI When Priorities Go Wrong!: NPC investigates a burning barrel that was thrown by the player and landed nearby. The barrel subsequently explodes while the NPC is nearby looking at it.
Introduction (Cont) Propose a general approach to creating diverse and interesting NPC behaviors using Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) in combination with a number of partly conflicting behavioral fitness measures.
Overview Introduction Objectives Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Results Future work
Objectives Optimize a genetically programmed car controller to exhibit: Aggressiveness. Opponent weakness exploitation.
Objectives (Cont.) Environment: A 2D simulator, modeling a radio controlled toy car (three possible drive and steering modes). A track consisting of walls, a chain of waypoints and a set of staring points and directions (subject to random alteration). A reasonable model of car dynamics, collisions. A competitor (with an incrementally evolved general controller).
Objectives (Cont.) Controller employ two expression trees representation (driving and steering) containing: Standard arithmetic and trigonometric functions. Formal parameters representing car state as viewed by first person sensors.
Objectives (Cont.) Behavioral fitness measures: Absolute progress. Relative progress. Maximum speed. Progress variance. # Steering changes. # Driving changes. Wall collisions. Competitor proximity. Max Car collisions. Min Car Collisions.
Objectives (Cont.) Algorithm: Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithem (NSGA-II). Tournament selection (starting with size 7 during final 10 generations increases by 20% each generation). 50 generations. 500 individuals. Expression trees are limited to depth of 17 and created with a maximum depth of 8 through Ramped-half-and-half.
Overview Introduction Objectives Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Results Future work
MOEA Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithem Pareto frontier:
Overview Introduction Objectives Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Results Future work
Results Aggressiveness – wall collisions avoidance Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions.
Results Aggressiveness – max speed & min steering Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + min # steering changes.
Results Aggressiveness – max speed & min steering Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + min # steering changes.
Results Aggressiveness – max speed & min driving Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + min # driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – max speed & min driving Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + min # driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – smoothness, avoidance and low speed Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + max # driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – smoothness, avoidance and low speed Fitness = max absolute progress + min wall collisions + max # driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – max car collisions Fitness = max absolute progress + max car collisions + min car closeness + min # driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – Car collisions Fitness = max absolute progress + max car collisions + min car closeness + min # steering & driving changes.
Results Aggressiveness – Opponent weakness Exploitation Fitness = max absolute progress + max speed + min car closeness + min # steering & driving changes.
Overview Introduction Objectives Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Results Future work
Future work Prove concept on other game genres.
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