Wednesday November 5, Materials: Pencil/Pen and paper - China’s One Child Policy - Video: Gender Imbalance - Group Discussion
Currently has 1.3 Billion people 20% of the worlds population 1 out of 5 people are Chinese U.S. has 305 Million
Became leader in China in 1978 Started making serious efforts to control China’s population. Why?
Introduced in 1979: It promotes couples into having only one child. Reduces Population
Pros Registration, Healthcare, Education More money for family(only 1 child) Reduces Population (higher standard of living) First 20 years population growth reduced by 300 Million
Cons FINES! TAXES! Future Job Shortages (Economy) Boys! Boys! Boys! We want Boys! WHY? Rural (Country) areas- exceptions ABORTION!! – Ultrasound – Female Infanticide Gender Imbalance/Social Impact ( ) 2020 – 30 million more men
In 2007, the U.S. adopted 5,453 children from China’s orphanages. 90% of China’s orphanages are girls!
China experienced rapid growth before the One-Child Policy in 1979.
Now they are experiencing slow growth/no growth
Reduce population to quick : Big Economic Problems!
Is the One-Child policy a good idea? Yes/No. Why? What are some positive and negative affects of the One-Child policy? What will happen if China’s population reduces too quickly? Who will be the next President of the United States? Who did Indiana vote for? Who will be the next Governor of Indiana?
What would it be like to live in China with one child per family? How would this affect your life? Write two paragraphs. One paragraph is 3-5 sentences