P ROJECT 2: G ENERATING U SER - T AILORED F LOOR M APS Presented by: Jarrett Baugh, Melody Budiono, Georgio Moussan, and Steven Nguyen
R EVIEW The Problem It is not easy to find a library book Our Solution Graphics-oriented directions Methods Field studies PHP
F IELD STUDY – R ESULTS Study of current system – completed Asked user to find “Face Painting in Chinese Opera” Started on main lobby of second floor The book code was GT 1747 L8 Fourth Floor Located on GT575 – GV174
F IELD STUDY – S TATISTICS Five (5) participants Three (3) Undergrads One (1) Grad One (1) Extension Student Gender Three (3) Females Two (2) Males 3/5 of the users never look for books in the library The other two – at least once a quarter.
F IELD STUDY – F INDINGS Pilot Testing Think out loud directions were not clear. Survey question was not useful. Book codes are confusing 4/5 users asked librarian for directions on how to find the book. Average time to find book = 4.4 minutes
F IELD STUDY – F INDINGS Users clicked on the book code expecting directions “How would you rate the current method of finding books on a scale of 1 to 10? (with 1 being very unsatisfactory, and 10 being very satisfactory).” Average rating = 7.4
F IELD STUDY – U SER QUOTES “Possibly someone on each floor to help? Or just bigger numbers shown on each shelf.” – U03 “The letter organization in the library is kind of confusing / hard to find. “ – U03 “No explanation of the book number.” – U05 “When searching through Ant Pac, can add a description / legend on what each code means.” – U05
F IELD S TUDIES – UPCOMING TASKS Test prototype 5 to 8 users Provide feedback to software developers Test again (if necessary)
S OFTWARE – C URRENT P ROGRESS Can read a floor plan Can draw a floor plan Query books Extendable and configurable
S OFTWARE – U PCOMING T ASKS Refine system based on user testing Mimic some key parts of the current web site Add more functionality (directions as well as mapping) Improve the art :)