Cyclodiene Insecticide Michelle Nakamura Biol 468
Aldrin (C 12 H 8 Cl 6 ) MW: Appearance: Pure – white powder Commercial grade – tan powder Low water solubility (< 27 ng/L) No reaction with water Hydrophobic! (log K ow = 7.4) Highly soluble in fats, waxes, oils, and other organic solvents
Uses and Applications Pesticide for soil and crops -mostly corn, some cotton Termite control Does not occur naturally in the environment 1950s s: widely used as an insecticide 1987: EPA banned all uses of aldrin
Atmospheric deposition Does not leach into the groundwater, but will volatilize off the fields High wind dispersal Some river runoff
Photo-oxidation Sunlight degrades aldrin to dieldrin Physical half-life: years
Mode of entry into organism Direct contact (gills, epidermis) Ingestion 96h LC 50 (for fish): 2-53 µg/L Toxic effects noted: Damage to the central nervous system ▪Convulsions Liver cancer
Aldrin competes with GABA molecules for the binding site on the GABA receptor When GABA binds, Cl- channels open, inhibits firing of new action potentials When aldrin binds, Cl- channels stay closed, action potentials keep firing * INCREASES pre-synaptic neurotransmitter release!
Aldrin is rapidly converted to dieldrin by CYP450 found on the endoplasmic reticulum of liver cells Biotransformation takes only hrs Result: very little aldrin found in the blood or tissues Mediated by the mixed-function mono-oxygenase (MFO) system
Biotransform aldrin dieldrin Dieldrin is slightly more polar than aldrin, but is still hydrophobic Bioaccumulates in fatty tissues
Soil pesticide for crops No longer produced Hydrophobic Can be absorbed by direct contact or ingestion Causes convulsions and liver cancer Rapidly converted to dieldrin in the body bioaccumulates in fatty tissues
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