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Baby Einstein Walt Disney multimedia products for children ages 3 months to 3 years old Revenues – 200 million dollars last year and had a 90% market share in past decade.
Baby Einstein 49 percent of parents believe educational videos are “very important” in the intellectual development of children Owned by 27% of young children Complaint by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood at US Federal Trade
Baby Einstein DadLabs DadLabs U Dub press release Disney’s response
Baby Einstein American Medical Association (AMA) Findings: - As time watching TV increased, scores on educational tests decreased - TV viewing leads to reduction of sleep
Baby Einstein A Harvard Medical School study found: - TV viewing by infants does not improve a child’s language skills - with increased TV time, cognitive testing scores were lower - no harm is caused by screen time
Baby Einstein Disney’s refund – Because of the complaints against Walt Disney, they are now offering a refund, which were taken in use on October 27, Website changes – Furthermore the complaints lead to a redesign of Baby Einstein’s website.
Questions for the Class Who thinks television may harm infants and toddlers as it displaces activities with proven developmental benefits, such as social interaction and traditional play...? Do you think this issue negatively effects Disney’s image? Any other comments…?
Sources Baby-Einstein.html Baby-Einstein.html ZBIuqhE2Bk&feature=fvw ZBIuqhE2Bk&feature=fvw related related plaint.htm plaint.htm e_to_harvard_as_baby_einsteins_gonna_get.php e_to_harvard_as_baby_einsteins_gonna_get.php deocomplaint.pdf deocomplaint.pdf