Elizabeth Guillen & Shanna Molina Rhode Island College Health Education & Nursing National Primary Care Week 11/17/2010
Our AHEC Experience
Youth Into Health Careers Summer 2010 Partnership Between Family Resources and NRIAHEC Adapted from the REACT RI Program
Goals of Youth into Health Careers Target Audience Underserved teenagers from ages 14-18 in Northern RI Educate Different health careers Different health-related careers Pharmacy Medical coding Etc The discovery of talents and strengths for future careers Health promotion
Learning Modules Module 1: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4: Module 5: Introduction to Program, Vulnerable Populations & Ethical and Legal Issues Module 2: Applied Health Services & Cultural Competency Module 3: Health Education and Disease Prevention & Health Career Exploration Module 4: Health Observation and Data Collection & Emergency Preparation Module 5: CPR Module 6: Peer Education & Leadership Once a week @ fam res for six weeks 1.Students were taught about vulnerable populations and the struggles these populations face when it comes to healthcare. Additionally, Students were taught about the legalities and ethics involved in healthcare. 2.Students were taught about Applied Health Services and about Cultural Competency. Students learned to be sensitive to others’ beliefs. 3.Students were taught about Health Education and Disease Prevention Techniques. Students were also able to explore the different areas of healthcare. 4.Students were taught interviewing skills. Additionally, they were taught to take vital signs and how to prepare for emergencies correctly. 5. cpr 6.Students were encouraged to learn leadership skills and proper ways to become peer educators.
Statistics 15 Students Started the program 10 became CPR certified 8 male, 7 female 10 became CPR certified 8 Successfully completed the program 3 male, 5 female The other seven students either quit or did not fulfill the attendance requirement.
Outlook for the Future Field trips Increase in program duration Hospitals College tours Increase in program duration To at least 10 weeks Updating activities To keep program interesting for students In order to make the program more dynamic, a college and hospital tour should be implemented into the curriculum to give students a tangible experience and to motivate them throughout the program. Furthermore, the program should expand to a 10 week program rather than the current time frame of 24 hours, six weeks classroom time. An increase in program hours would help the students develop a greater appreciation for the curriculum as well as encourage them to have stronger relationships with their peers.
Impacts of our Internships at AHEC
Questions and Answers Contact Us Elizabeth Guillen Elizabethguillen08@yahoo.com Shanna Molina Smolina_2559@ric.edu