MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute ERASMUS- Universitetsseminar April 2010 Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark Campus Sønderborg Mathematical Modeling Group Research and Teaching Activitees
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Engineering SDU Interaction Design Mekatronik Innovation & Business IT Product Design Bygningsteknik Elektroteknik Fysik og Teknologi Global Management & Manufacturing Informations- og Kommunikationsteknologi Integreret Design Kemi Lærings- og Oplevelsesteknologi Maskinteknik Miljøteknologi Product Development and Innovation Robotteknologi Produktionsteknik Velfærdsteknologi Bygningsteknik Elektroteknik Fysik og Teknologi Global Management & Manufacturing Informations- og Kommunikationsteknologi Integreret Design Kemi Lærings- og Oplevelsesteknologi Maskinteknik Miljøteknologi Product Development and Innovation Robotteknologi Produktionsteknik Velfærdsteknologi
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Engineering Education SDU Sønderborg nStudents: 250 nFocus on Product innovation - Engineering, Design, Business nUddannelser: Mechatronics, Interaction Design, Innovation & Business nMechatronics Lighthouse
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Mechatronics nResearch and Teaching: –Embedded software –Mathematical Modeling –User Centred Design –Nanotechnology –CPD –Thermal Systems
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Mathematical Modelling Research Group Morten Willatzen, Professor, Ph.D. Daniele Barettin, Post Doc, Ph.D. Vladimir Bordo, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Jerome Jouffroy, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Benny Lassen, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Søren Madsen, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Bjarne Schmidt (Teaching), M.Sc. Christian Veje, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Dorthe Wildt-Nielsen (Teaching), M.Sc.
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Ph.D. Students David Bæk (DTU-Elektro+MCI) Lars Duggen (MCI) Andreas Rune Fugl (MCI+Mærsk) Anders Pors (MCI+SENSE) Rahimullah Sarban (MCI+Danfoss Polypower) Jørgen Sylvest (MCI+SENSE) NN (SENSE+MCI) - absorptionskøleanlæg
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Areas of research Applied and industrial mathematics Computational physics Mechanics Thermo-fluid dynamics Electronics.
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Nanotechnology, with emphasis on modelling semiconductor and optoelectronics applications. Electromechanical, magnetostrictive, and thermoelectric devices, including sensors, actuators and transducers; Heat and mass transfer problems, modelling and control of thermo-fluid systems; Dynamics of phase transitions and applications to industry;
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Computational solid mechanics and fluid dynamics; Applied rheology, including mathematical modelling electro- and magneto-rheological devices; Smart structures and composite materials; PDE-based models for transport phenomena with applications to engineering problems; (Flow) acoustics and combustions systems;
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Research Projects : Sensors
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Research Projects : Sensors
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Research Projects : Dielectric Elastomer Devices
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Research Projects : Evaporator modeling
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Evaporator modeling Moving boundaryDistributed model
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Evaporator modeling and simulation Analysis of simplifying assumptions Numerical stability and efficiency Cluster and GPU implementation Real-time simulation and control
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Master in Mechatronics : Dynamic Systems Profile Currently offered thesis projects Implementation of two-phase fluid flow solver on a Nvidia GPU Two-phase flow and heat calculations using the finite element method Frequency response of dry expansion evaporator Mathematical modeling of condenser / evaporator two-phase flow in refrigeration technology Pressure control for optimal COP in transcritical CO 2 heat pumps Solar cooling technology Transcritical CO 2 Power Cycles
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Thesis project : Evaporator modeling
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Thesis project : Transcritical CO 2 Power Cycle
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Semester Themes Profile Courses and Master Thesis NanoTechnology Embedded Control Systems Dynamic Mechatronic Systems Advanced Mechatronics And Scientific Methods Thermal Energy Technology M.Sc. In Mechatronics at MCI
MCI M ads C lausen I nstitute Thermal Energy Technology Profile