Discussion Questions EDC&I Oct 2010
Holland (in Glaser) Does the process of “gradual progression and fading,” and “response shaping” match your own experience in learning? Where and where not? Principles: – Blackout ratios (pp ) – Reinforcement and confirmation (pp ) – Individualization and branching (pp ) – How and where could these principles be used in designing more contemporary materials?
Mager What has been your experience constructing, using, behavioral objectives at the level of precision described in Mager? What’s the view of the learner assumed in the Magerist BO? What counts as successful learning under Mager’s worldview?
McDonald et al. Assumptions of Programmed Instruction: – Ontological Determinism – Materialism – Social Efficiency – Technological Determinism – How do these match (or not) your experience with online instruction? Usefulness of Logical Learning Theory (pp ) and Self-Determination Theory (pp ) as frameworks for guiding design work?
Collins & Halverson The “New System of Education”: (Ch 5) – How real are the factors they describe? (For example, how powerful, influential are they?) Can you imagine a scenario in which the sort of shift they suggest happens easily? A scenario in which the transition is difficult?
Collins & Halverson Three eras of and multiple transformations in education (Ch. 6) ERASTRANSFORMATIONS ApprenticeshipResponsibility Universal SchoolingExpectations Lifelong LearningContent Pedagogy Assessment Location Culture Relationships