Today’s Agenda: U PDATES : - New Role in PS: Communications Director - New eProcurement suppliers & Catalog Improvements - Improvement Projects Underway: Furniture, Copiers, Supplier Registration Form - Strategic Sourcing: Upcoming Projects & Projected Savings for 2011 S POTLIGHT P RESENTATIONS : - Bank & Office Interiors - UW Sustainability Office N EWS : - Business Diversity Program Events - New Federal Tax Requirements: New PAS Programming M ORE U PDATES : - Electronic Reimbursement Project - Procard Update
New: Communications Director Communications
eProcurement catalog improvements: - ABI: eInvoicing, custom quotes, standing orders, oligos - Bank & Office Interiors: eInvoicing, custom quotes - CDW-G: eInvoicing, custom quotes - Fisher Scientific: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos, alcohol approvals - Invitrogen: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos - Praxair: eInvoicing, standing orders, toxic gas approvals - Sigma: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos New Catalogs in eProcurement! - Complete Office (federal small business) - Keeneys Office Products (State certified WBE) eProcurement Update eProcurement
Focus: to make furniture buying easier! “Typicals” major items (chairs) likely to purchase Suppliers top suppliers / flexibility Web Design easier identification and navigation Furniture Procurement Project Improvement Projects
1600 copiers on Campus! Goal – provide new purchasing approaches / options Inclusive Process customer involvement “Scoping” phase help create direction Sourcing Event Copier Project Improvement Projects
Improvement Project: Supplier Registration Process HOW CAN YOU HELP? Refer suppliers to the “Information for Suppliers” web page. The most current version of the form will always be here. /fm/ps/info-for-suppliers What is it? LEAN project to review and improve the Supplier Registration Process Goals: Reduce the complexity of the process Reduce the time it takes to register a supplier Provide a single place to submit the supplier information …one place …one way! Improvement Projects
2011 Savings Millions $ -Patient care -IT goods & services -Life Sciences -Office supplies -Food -Janitorial supplies -Furniture -Industrial Gases -Consulting services -Patient care -IT goods & services -Life Sciences -Office supplies -Food -Janitorial supplies -Furniture -Industrial Gases -Consulting services $71M 2011 Contracts Established $65M 2010 Contracts Established $225M Future Opportunities $249M Existing Contracts $71M 2011 Commodities shown by % Potential Savings of $13M from University wide contracts 7 Strategic Sourcing
Strategic Sourcing: Upcoming projects for FY 2011 Strategic Sourcing
Key UW furniture supplier Contract extended through November st furniture supplier in eProcurement One of the first to implement custom quoting capability Offer sustainable (green) furniture options Supplier Spotlight: Bank & Office Interiors Supplier Spotlight
Bank & Office Interiors/Steelcase Team Bank & Office Interiors Account Management Sherry Napier Kevin Varney Customer Service Reps Colette Mica Anne Rogers Project Mgt/Operations Dan Imori/Senior PM Jesse Hansen/Lead Install Mikhail Dividian/Lead Install UWMC Management Jeff Rospond Todd Fairweather Steve Turner B&OI Design Maria Smithwick Barbara Carnovale Maureen Lemon Steelcase Caroline Moore Jacquie Hartman Pamela Woodward Steelcase Design Partnership Barb Bushnell Julie Price Paula Vollers UW Information Contact:
E-procurement Orders
Around UW Campuses
Lander Hall Pathways Privacy Wall
Bothell Commons
UW Medical Center Plaza Cafe
UW Medical Center 3 rd Floor Lobby
Department of Anesthesiology
Short List of Bank & Office/Steelcase Projects William H. Foege Life Bioengineering & Genome PACCAR Hall Benjamin Hall Labs Architecture Hall Johnson Hall Savery Hall Guggenheim Hall Gerberding CIDR Context Reconfigure Gerberding Strategy Mgmt Context Reconfigure Pediatric Dentistry, Sandpoint Brain & Learning UWMC Regional Heart Center UW Tower – UWMC Short List of Bank & Office/Steelcase Projects William H. Foege Life Bioengineering & Genome PACCAR Hall Benjamin Hall Labs Architecture Hall Johnson Hall Savery Hall Guggenheim Hall Gerberding CIDR Context Reconfigure Gerberding Strategy Mgmt Context Reconfigure Pediatric Dentistry, Sandpoint Brain & Learning UWMC Regional Heart Center UW Tower – UWMC
T H A N K Y O U ! !
UW Sustainability Office Claudia Frere, Manager Office of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Sustainability
Need to reduce usage by 30% Need to use 100% recycled paper Review: ◦ double-sided printing ◦ printing instead of filing ◦ generic toner ◦ multi-purpose devices (MPD) ◦ upgrade to energy efficient machines ◦ “rightsizing” copiers/printers ◦ the need for individual printers Paper Conservation & Copier Initiative Sustainability
Substitute House Bill 2287 Three components: Sustainability
UW Paper Conservation Committee Paper Conservation Committee was formed in January 2010 and is sponsored by UW Finance and Facilities, and the UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability office Committee members include representation from the following: ◦ UWMC Materials Management & HMC Purchasing ◦ UW Procurement Services ◦ UW Recycling & Solid Waste ◦ UW Creative Communications ◦ UW & UW Medicine IT Services ◦ UW Bothell - Facility Services & Physical Plant ◦ UW Tacoma - Finance & Administration ◦ UW Faculty ◦ UW Educational Outreach Sustainability
Implementation Plan : 30% reduction in paper Sustainability
Recycled Paper Measurement Who will monitor the paper recycling rates? UW Recycling & Solid Waste Office & UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office HMC will need to develop a similar program. Sustainability
Questions or comments? Contact the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office at SUSTAINABILITY
Business Diversity Program Update for the Procurement Services Fall Forum September 2010 Chesca Ward, Business Diversity Manager UW Business Diversity Program DiversityOpportunity Transparency Business Diversity
Business Diversity Program Goals Business Diversity
UW Spend with M/WBEs FY 2008: MBE: 0.67% WBE: 1.25% FY 2009: MBE: 1.56% WBE: 1.08% FY 2010: MBE: 1.04% WBE: 0.70% Source: , 2010 MWBE Performance Reports Business Diversity
Connecting with Suppliers eProcurement ◦ Keeney’s Office Products ◦ Excel Gloves Recent Events ◦ Catering for Events (August 11 th ) Information is available on the BDP websiteBDP website Business Diversity Supplier Fair (December 9) ProCard Purchases Diverse Vendor Search ◦ Available on BDP website Business Diversity
Contact BDP Chesca Ward, Business Diversity Manager (206) Business Diversity
PAS Reports Project Goal: Provide visibility into the PAS data by use of a Web Based Business Intelligence Reporting Tool We are looking for volunteers to help gather requirements Interested??? Contact David Wright or call 616 Example: ‘Invoice Status by Department’ report PAS Reports
New Federal Law: 1099 Reporting New Federal law requires 1099 reporting for all goods and services purchased starting in Reporting
New PAS Programming: Starting September 22 nd, you will have the ability to update the "department contact" on PAS POs Step-by-Step Instructions are online: PAS Programming
Electronic Reimbursement Project Team consists of central office staff and several customers to come up with a recommendation for using an eForm for reimbursements. Electronic Reimbursement
ProCard Update
We will be available for questions for the next half hour We will be available for questions for the next half hour - If you did not receive the presentation materials –