ISSI THz Overview Hugh Hudson, Säm Krucker, Gerard Trottet.


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Presentation transcript:

ISSI THz Overview Hugh Hudson, Säm Krucker, Gerard Trottet

VAL-C Model Contribution Functions Lindsey et al Berkeley Nov. 18,

16-Sep-09 Flare Spectral Energy Distribution f f S. Krucker Berkeley Nov. 18,

Unknown Continuum Regions Berkeley Nov. 18,

Historical Events Akabane et al Kaufmann et al Berkeley Nov. 18,

The Super-mm (sub-THz) Event Catalog, 2009 Berkeley Nov. 18,

Source Sizes (Lüthi), 28-Oct-03 Berkeley Nov. 18,

Positions and Spectra Berkeley Nov. 18,

SST/BEMRAK Comparison Berkeley Nov. 18,

Interpretation Gyrosynchrotron electrons: it would have to be different populations of electrons at radically high fields and particle energies Gyrosynchrotron positrons: ruled out by 511 keV? Thermal: it seems impossible to explain the impulsive sources this way, but maybe OK for gradual ones Exotic: there are several ideas capable of positive slopes in principle: - Coherent emission(s) - Cherenkov radiation - other Berkeley Nov. 18,

Emission Mechanisms Berkeley Nov. 18,

Conclusions The ISSI team’s goal is to take an impartial look at the body of “sub-THz” or “super-mm” observations Yes, the observations are credible, at least regards spectral distribution No, we do not know how to explain them yet ALMA will be good but needs scientific interest and participation Dedicated observing programs, such as that at El Leoncito, will also exist – will solar activity? Berkeley Nov. 18,

Two Years of Minimum Berkeley Nov. 18, 2009

Ancient History Berkeley Nov. 18, 2009