By: Malia T. _tears_1_e.jpg
Main Menu Daily Life Customs & Religion Important Events In History Role in Revolutionary War Interesting FactsBibliography
DAILY LIFE Cherokees ate beans, squash, corn, bear, elk, deer, and fish Cherokees planted most of the food they ate Cherokees live in shelters made out of clay, mud, grass, and animal hair. Cherokees live in a town with 30 to 60 people Hhttp:// Group_1.jpgERE ! MAIN MENU
CUSTOMS & RELIGION Cherokees do The Stomp Dance at ceremonies The Cherokee tribe has the Green Corn Festival September is when the Cherokees celebrate Cherokees have pow-wows Cherokees speak Iroquoian 4A9A55-9F37-4AB DA9E /KF jpg MAIN MENU
IMPORTANT HISTORICAL EVENTS 1821 is when Sequoyah made up the Cherokee language Very few tribes were on the British side 1838 Cherokees and other Indians got moved out of their homes thousands of Indians walked nearly 1,000 miles to new lands On the walk nearly 2,500 people died on The Trail of Tears MAIN MENU ca/after1500/history/pictures/cherokee1730%27s. jpg
ROLE IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR Cherokees supported the British and King George the III Cherokees lived in peace and helped the British okee-scouting-fort-duquesne.jpg MAIN MENU PUT PICTURE HERE
INTERESTING FACTS Now the US government can identify over 240,000 Cherokees Cherokees are one of the largest tribes in the US Shamans were the religious leaders for the Cherokees MAIN MENU content/uploads/2010/10/pictures- of-cherokees.jpg
BIBLIOGRAPHY Works Cited Lund, Bill. The Cherokee Indians. Minnesota: Brigestone Books, Print. Mc Call, Barbra A. The Cherokee. Vero Beach: Rourke publcations, Print. Minnesota State Univrsity. “Cherokee.” Minnesota University state. E Museum. Web. 5 Feb Todd, Anne M. The Cherokee. Mankato: Brigestone Books, Print. Williams, Suzanne M. Cherokee Indians. Illinois: Heinemamm, Print MAIN MENU