Kitchen Staples Palate Development 2 - Session X
Today’s Agenda Kitchen Staples of the Grande Cuisines A World Tour Menu Writing Mystery Baskets Final Exam Overview
The Grande Cuisines The Five Grande Cuisines of the World – A Bit Simplified 1. Mediterranean 2. French 3. Chinese 4. Indian 5. Mexican 6. Yours
The Grande Cuisines What do they have in common? What is unique about each one? MediterraneanFrenchChineseIndianMexican In common Unique traits
Grand Cuisine Pantry In Five Teams, draw one of the cuisines from the hat. Together, take 15 minutes to research the key ingredients and cooking techniques of your cuisine. Return to the classroom and share your finding with the class via a one page paper (can be legibly hand written).
Search Parameters Include the following items in your description of the cuisine that you are searching for: Protein Items (meat, seafood, etc.) Peasant Staples Serious Taboos? Alcoholic Beverages Classic Vegetables Dairy? Other Key Ingredients Form Teams Draw Cuisines Strategize for a minute or two… and GO
Time Remaining 15 minutes
Time Remaining 10 minutes
Time Remaining 5 minutes
Time Remaining 4 minutes
Time Remaining 3 minutes
Time Remaining 2 minutes
Time Remaining 1 minute
Time Remaining Less than thirty seconds
Time Remaining Times UP!!!
Quick Reflection How come we are just talking about palate development? Anyone?
SHARE Before turning in your paper, send one member of your group to the front to discuss each of the key elements of your cuisine.
Mediterranean Pantry
French Pantry
Chinese Pantry
Indian Pantry
Mexican Pantry
Menu Writing As a class, lets brainstorm a few dishes that highlight the best pieces of each cuisine. Appetizer – Mediterranean Soup – Chinese Fish – Indian Entrée – French Dessert - Mexican
Whip Around What three things are you most excited about having discovered or discussed today? (write them down over the next minute or two) Everyone, that means everyone, gets 5 seconds to share one of their items. No repeats Here we go…
Next Week’s Class Final Exam –Some cool prizes –Definitely the most funnestest exam college will ever throw at you. –What to study? What do you think?