 There is little to no academic difference between the people who complete their degrees and those who drop out as measured by their GRE scores and undergraduate.


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Presentation transcript:

 There is little to no academic difference between the people who complete their degrees and those who drop out as measured by their GRE scores and undergraduate grades.  Some students drop out because they know or heard about new Ph.D.'s who couldn't find jobs  Some fellowship recipients are so unconnected with academic culture that they violate university regulations and secretly take an outside job while receiving their fellowship checks.  Students are effectively discouraged from voicing complaints while they are still actively enrolled  Accumulated silence of previous "dropouts" reinforces the view faculty prefer to hold: the problem is with the student, not the program.

 Survey of Graduate Enrollment ▪ 2% increase in 2007 ▪ Minority growth has been concerted for African Americans (from 8 to 13 percent of the total grad student population) and Hispanic students (from 5 to 8 percent of the total).  The basic problems: ▪ Number of minority students who attend college is low ▪ Dropout occurs in graduate school

The Bruin, November 17,2008

 10% of U.S. residents currently hold master’s or doctoral degrees. ▪ Fewer than 5% of African Americans and 3% of Latinos are master’s or doctoral recipients (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). ▪ Minorities are less likely to aspire to attend graduate school, are less likely to complete high school, and are less likely to attend four- year colleges immediately after finishing high school.

November 30, 2007 Insidehighered.com U.S. Graduate Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Group, Fall 2006

 Reasons for not completing Graduate School  Underutilized Resources  Lack of support – Mentor

 New Start Summer Program  Hispanic News  The University Record, November 19, 1996 Minority enrollment figures reach highest numbers ever  In graduate school, Boost for minorities  The Hidden Crisis in Graduate Education: Attrition From Ph.D. Programs  Provost's group to review minority grad student issues  Minorities discuss lack of diversity in grad school ck.Of.Diversity.In.Grad.School shtml