Bruce de Terra Chief, Office of System and Freight Planning Division of Transportation Planning California Department of Transportation California Freight.


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Presentation transcript:

Bruce de Terra Chief, Office of System and Freight Planning Division of Transportation Planning California Department of Transportation California Freight Mobility 1 California Freight Mobility - June 2011

To Infinity and Beyond California – a land of dreamers, visionaries and doers. Space Shuttle Endeavour, our most expensive freight mode, final landing at the California Science Center in L.A. There is a transportation future, help invent that future. California Freight Mobility - June 20112


Bruce’s View The Truth Transportation is a corner-stone of every empire, multi-national business & power region that has ever existed. It is perhaps the only common denominator among them. Caltrans and our planning work are essential to California’s future. Either we do that work, or someone else will. We’ve got to have fun while doing our jobs well. California Freight Mobility - June 20114

5 Presentation Topics California Freight System Overview Caltrans Freight Program Activities

California Freight Mobility - June Freight System Overview Seaports Railroads Trucking Intermodal Facilities Air Freight Impacts

California Freight Mobility - June 20117

Got TEU? Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit Ships – 11,000 (Panamax 4,500), Trains 240 & Trucks 1 California Freight Mobility - June 20118

9 12 Seaports – an Evolving System Los Angeles - #1 in TEUs nationally Long Beach - #2 in TEUs nationally Combined, # 5 in world Oakland - #5 in TEUs nationally-50/50 split 9 other CA deepwater ports – mostly bulk, one private – who can name them all? Competition: West Coast ports, Panama Canal expansion, Gulf & East Coast ports Lesser ports and harbors – here fishy fishy

God is not making new deep water seaports in California. It would take an act of God to get a new human made deep water seaport through the NEPA/CEQA process. Ports are fragile economic entities that are generally owned by local jurisdictions under Tidelands Public Trust. They are California’s ultimate PPP enterprise. California Freight Mobility - June

California Freight Mobility - June

California Freight Mobility - June Freight Railroads Roughly 400 mile minimum threshold, very efficient, up to 8,000 foot long trains Class I – privately owned Union Pacific (UP) Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Issues: capacity, passenger rail, grade crossings, safety, community impacts, air quality, technology. Shortline Railroads – no, not Monopoly

Class I Railroad Spending* on Infrastructure vs. State Highway Agency Spending* RR vs SHS 2006 spending *Capital outlays plus maintenance expenses. Sources: FHWA Highway Statistics Table SF-12; AAR 1.Texas$ Florida $ California $4.19 Union Pacific $4.17 BNSF $ New York $ Pennsylvania $ Illinois $3.30 CSX $ Michigan $ North Carolina $ Ohio $2.14 Norfolk Southern $ Georgia $1.88 $ in Billions 13California Freight Mobility - June 2011

UP California Business Dimensions Ag Products 17% Autos 10% Chemicals 7% Energy 2% Industrial Products 15% TEU Intermodal 49% 14California Freight Mobility - June 2011


California Freight Mobility - June Trucking Trucking Short Distance Long Distance TEU vs 53’ truck length - repacking I-710 – demand exceeding capacity Restrictions on where trucks can go Small operators - Labor Intermodal Facilities – pressure for mode shift to electric train/shuttle

Trucking Issues More & heavier trucks Deteriorating pavement Fuel and emissions regulations Cost of environmental compliance Safety Traffic Congestion California Freight Mobility - June

California Freight Mobility - June Intermodal Facilities SCIG – near dock: Scottish Curling-Ice Group, Submarine Cable Improvement Group, Southern California International Gateway – BNSF Hobart – near downtown L.A.: “ If it were a hub for ships instead of trains, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp.'s Hobart rail yard would rank as the fourth-largest U.S. container port, behind Los Angeles, Long Beach and New York-New Jersey.” San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan Inland Empire – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs & impacts - future shift to High Desert?

California Freight Mobility - June

California Freight Mobility - June Air Freight In 2003 CA airports handled 22% of all U.S. air shipments with LAX #2 and SFO #4 in nation. LAX #13 in world - current High Value & low weight – $116 billion in value in 2003 handled by CA airports. Much cargo time sensitive. Airports publicly owned – another PPP Relatively easy mode to loose share, but often use same aircraft as passengers.

Impacts Toxic air pollution from diesel exhaust (particulate matter, NOx, SOx). Environmental Justice issues – disproportionate impacts to neighboring communities along freight corridors and nodes such as respiratory disease, noise and visual blight. Climate Change - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Stress on an already over burdened transportation system. California Freight Mobility - June

Caltrans Freight Program Goals & objectives Goods Movement Action Plan (GMAP) Trade Corridor Improvement Fund – (TCIF) Prop 1B New initiatives: California Freight Mobility Plan, Rail Plan Update, Freight Model Overarching Issues: community impacts, air quality, climate change, sea level rise, competition, physical constraint, $$$ California Freight Mobility - June

California Freight Mobility - June Caltrans Freight Program Goals Improve freight mobility: improved throughput, velocity, reliability, access; reduced congestion. Improve California’s economy: economic development, jobs retention and creation, reduced transport costs.

California Freight Mobility - June Improve California’s environment: reduced air emissions, reduced community impacts, enhanced environmental justice, ballast. Increase public safety and security: reduced roadway and rail incidents, increased security at ports-of-entry. Caltrans Freight Program Goals

California Freight Mobility - June Goods Movement Action Plan (GMAP) Groundbreaking approach involving Caltrans, Agency, Air Resources Board, Regions, Industry, others Phase I: 180 projects/groups, $47 billion Phase II: 24 projects/groups, $10 billion. Expect to see a National Freight policy – and give a wink to the folks who developed GMAP.

California Freight Mobility - June Trade Corridor Improvement Fund (TCIF) $2 billion from State Proposition 1B bond, $1 billion SHOPP added. 79 projects, with a total cost of $8 billion. Includes highway capacity, grade separations, rail capacity projects, and port access projects (bridges, interchanges, rail yards).

California Freight Mobility - June Federal TIGER Program Colton Crossing ($33.8 m), Oakland/Stockton/West Sacramento “Green Trade Corridor” ($30m), Otay Mesa POE/I-805-SR 905 ($20.2m), Doyle Drive in SF($46m).

California Freight Mobility - June New Initiatives California Freight Mobility Plan – an update of the GMAP and then some: CSULB & USC Rail Plan Update - includes freight rail as well as the traditional passenger and pending HSR Statewide Freight Model - supporting the CIB – UC Irvine SCAG - Comprehensive Regional Goods Movement Plan and Implementation Strategy San Joaquin Valley - San Joaquin Valley Interregional Goods Movement Plan

California Freight Mobility - June Overarching Freight Issues How can California maximize economic benefits and minimize environmental and community impacts while remaining competitive in an intense global freight market?

California Freight Mobility - June Solutuions? Vehicle technology improvements Fuel improvements System and mode operational improvements Infrastructure Improvements Partnerships All of us working together.