PRODUCTION OPTMIZATION ANALYSIS Oak and pine boards David Barrymore Edmond Kwok Jimmy Lau Chirag Tilara
Process Overview
Objective and Strategy Objective: ◦ Determine production plan that maximizes the gross contribution for the oak and pine board production processes Strategy: ◦ Analyze current situation to: Determine production constraints Find product mix (oak : pine) that utilizes maximum production capacities
Current Situation: Receive Logs Maximum supply: Oak: 18K ft Pine: 16K ft Stripping Stripping Rate: Oak: 2 hr per 1K ft Pine: 3hr per 1K ft Machine capacity: Max 60 hours per week Cutting Cutting Rate: Oak: 2 hr per 1K ft Pine: 3hr per 1K ft Machine capacity: Max 40 hours per week Gross Margin Contributions: Oak: $ 40 per 1K ft Pine: $ 30 per 1K ft Gross Margin Contributions: Oak: $ 40 per 1K ft Pine: $ 30 per 1K ft
Analysis: Production is constrained by two factors: ◦ Primary: Stripping and Cutting machine capacities ◦ Secondary: Maximum purchase as contracted by supply agreements
Recommendation: Production mix to optimize gross margin is 15K ft of Oak and 10K ft of Pine. Resulting gross margin will be $ 900 per week. Optimization point
Future Recommendation: Increasing machine capacities to match maximum purchase quantity would maximize the contribution. 33%