A Secure Interoperable Infrastructure For Healthcare Information System Ehsan ul Haq Abrar Ahmed Sair
Introduction Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education. The Cleveland Clinic has been heavily involved in both developing and applying Semantic Web standards. The goal is to improve the Clinic’s ability to use patient data for generating new knowledge to improve future patient care throughout comes-based and longitudinal clinical research. expressiveness and versatility of formats: o To provide individual patients an appropriate terminology and accessible view of summary data. 2
Domain Health care and public institution Automation, incremental modeling, and improved search 3
History Barriers to Patient-Oriented Research: ◦ Innovation in clinical research and bioinformatics has been severely hampered in part by the fragmented gathering and storing of data, reflecting the compartmentalization of medical science and practice. It has also been hampered by the programmatic necessity of keeping up with medical advances Typically clinical knowledge is expressed in ambiguous, idiosyncratic terminology ◦ This is especially problematic for longitudinal patient data that can feasibly span multiple, geographically separated sources—pharmacies, local practices, group practices, and primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals—and disciplines such as genetics, pathology, cardiology, etc. 4
Motivation Semantic Web technology, and its various engineering specifications, seeks to remove some of these barriers To answer ad-hoc questions cutting across disparate domains Clinical knowledge housed in isolated silos needs to be integrated. Infrastructure needed for ad-hoc data collection. 5
People doing the same: School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas, USA ◦ SAPPHIRE 6
SWAT4LS2009 – Matthias Loebe: TIM A semantic web application for the specification of metadata items in clinical research 7
Architecture Over the last 4 years, Cleveland Clinic has developed a representational methodology for bridging data collection, document management, and knowledge representation. Semantic DB: o Semantic DB has been internally deployed for production on top of the open source XML&RDF content repository bundled with 4Suite and Mozilla’s Firefox with XForms extensions Domain vocabulary: o The methodology realized through a core set of terms o Instances of the vocabulary can in some substantial and important ways be managed automatically by the system. 8
Tools & Technologies GRDDL ◦ ◦ GRDDL is a mechanism for Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages. This GRDDL specification introduces markup based on existing standards for declaring that an XML document includes data compatible with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and for linking to algorithms (typically represented in XSLT), for extracting this data from the document. MySQL database ◦ The MySQL database resides on an SGI Altix 350 super computer SPARQL Notation 3 4Suite ™ : an open-source platform for XML and RDF processing 10
Demo 11
Critic 14
Limitations 15
Future Amis Open eHealth Foundation to Provide Solid Basis for Interoperability ◦ Open eHealth Foundation announced that Agfa HealthCare, eHealth specialist InterComponentWare (ICW), and Sun Microsystems, Inc. have joined as foundation members of the new Open eHealth Foundation, an Open Source initiative that is unique in the healthcare IT arena. Ontology-driven knowledge management ◦ Under the auspices of the PARMENIDES project an ontology editor tool is being developed for faster searches in structured and unstructured heterogeneous, autonomous, data repositor ies 16
Cont… New Online Social Network, to Improve Collaboration Among Medical Researchers ◦ first online social network of its kind to improve collaboration among researchers and therefore advance medical science. 17
References elandClinic/ elandClinic/