 There are separate manuals for each content area.  Algebra I  Biology  English II 1.


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Presentation transcript:

 There are separate manuals for each content area.  Algebra I  Biology  English II 1

 Examiner’s materials  Test Examiner’s Manual  Group Identification Sheet (GIS)  Supplemental Session I answer sheets  Do Not Disturb sign (not provided) 2

 Student Materials  Student barcode labels  Session I test books  Session II test books  Session I answer sheets  No. 2 pencils, non-mechanical (not provided)  Scratch, graph or draft paper (not provided)  Minimum four-function calculators for Algebra I (not provided)  Rulers for Algebra I and Biology assessments (not provided)  Dictionary, thesaurus, grammar handbook (for English II Session II only – not provided)  Algebra I reference sheet (for Algebra I Sessions I and II) 3

 Testing Materials  2 student barcode labels, one for the Session I answer sheet and one for the Session II test book  For students with no or incorrect barcodes, the biographic information on the Student Information Sheet on the backs of the Session I answer sheet and the Session II test book will need to be filled in (directions are on page 6). 4

 Session I test books contain selected-response items. For Session I, answers are marked on a separate answer sheet.  After testing is completed, ALL Session I test books (used and unused) for all content areas must be accounted for and returned to Riverside Publishing with the other secure, non-scorable test materials. 5

 Session I answer sheets MUST be handled carefully. Do not fold, clip, staple, tape or tear the answer sheets.  When testing is complete, the DTC or STC must:  Remove any stray marks on the answer sheets.  Destroy any unused answer sheets for the Session I test books (these are not secure materials) 6

 Session II test books contain Performance Events or Writing Prompts. Students will write their answers in the test book.  After testing:  All Session II test books that are to be scored will be sent to the Assessment Resource Center (ARC).  All unused, non-scorable Session II test books must be accounted for and returned to Riverside Publishing in the appropriate shipment boxes. 7

____________________________________________ NOTE: Test books are secure materials. Examiners are not to view, read, edit, act or react verbally or non-verbally in response to student answers. A translator may read the assessment in a secure environment to prepare for providing translation to a student. ____________________________________________ 8

 Many DTC’s and STC’s prefer to apply the student barcode labels themselves. Please check with your DTC to determine how your building will be handling this issue. Follow the same advice for how to handle those situations when the barcode is missing or incorrect and the SIS will need to be used. 9

 The DTC and STC, sometimes in conjunction with the IEP team, should have identified those students who will need accommodations. The role of the Examiner is to implement those accommodations appropriately and to record them on the Session I answer sheet. In some buildings, the STC will choose to be responsible for recording the accommodations. 10

 Organize the classroom  Plan how to distribute and collect materials  Plan seating arrangements  Eliminate distractions under your control  Use a Do Not Disturb sign (not provided) on your door  Remove or cover any maps, charts, or other materials that relate to the content and processes of the test. 11

 Specific directions for each content area begin on page 12 of the Examiner’s manual.  The following symbol is used throughout the specific directions: 12

 Before starting the test, be sure that students understand what each picture icon means and make sure each student has the appropriate materials.  Follow the directions, as they are given,beginning on page 12.  Remember that, if a student does not understand a word, all you may do for them is to pronounce the word. Do not define, explain, or paraphrase it.  Tests must be finished in one sitting. If a student is not finished in the allotted time and is making adequate progress, the student should be allowed to finish. Your district should have a plan for allowing extended time for these students. 13

 Algebra I - If your district has decided to supply calculators for the Algebra I EOC, make sure all students have one that works and meets the criteria (minimum 4-function, no Internet access, no Qwerty keypad). The Algebra reference sheet may also be used.  English II – Students may use a standard dictionary, thesaurus, or grammar handbook while writing their papers but the Examiner may not directly answer questions about grammar, usage, mechanics, punctuation, or spelling.  Biology - Students may use a ruler as a straightedge. 14

 Examiners should follow the district’s policy about how to handle student absences during the test. Absences were addressed in the section on the Test Coordinator’s Manual earlier in the presentation.  The STC and the Examiner must agree that a particular student’s test should be invalidated, based on the invalidation criteria given on page 17. It is the STC’s responsibility to fill in the bubble for the appropriate invalidation code on the SIS. 15

 Your district may assign the following responsibilities to the STC or DTC. If not, these are the Examiner’s responsibilities with respect to the SIS:  Accommodations: Fill in the circle(s) that best represent the accommodation(s) under that heading. Refer to the note on page 18 about accommodation codes.  Test Window: Fill in the single bubble that refers to the administration period.  Form: Only those testing in the SPRING will fill in a form number. If the form number is a single digit, the number should be precede by a zero (ex. 02).  Status Codes: Fill in the appropriate codes when necessary. Consult the STC for guidance. 16

 Session I, Test Books  Collect the Session I test books from the students  Count the test books and verify the total with the pretest number before returning to the STC.  Return all Session I test books to the STC in separate bundles by content area: used and unused.  Contact the STC for guidance regarding the handling of contaminated test books. 17

 Session I, Answer Sheets  Collect Session I completed (scorable) answer sheets from the students.  Verify that the student barcode label is attached appropriately.  Verify that the required information is correct on the SIS, when applicable.  Return completed answer sheets by content area to the STC.  Return any unused answer sheets to the STC to be destroyed.  Collect all graph paper, scratch paper, or draft paper and return them to the STC to be securely destroyed.  Collect the Algebra I reference sheet to have for distribution in Session II (if applicable).  Contact the STC for guidance regarding the handling of contaminated answer sheets. 18

 Session II, Test Books  Collect all scorable Session II test books from the students  Verify that the student barcode label is attached appropriately.  Verify that the required information is correct on the SIS, when applicable.  Collect all Algebra I Reference Sheets and return them to the STC for shredding.  Collect all graph paper, scratch paper, or draft paper and return them to the STC to be securely destroyed.  Return all completed (scorable) Session II test books to the STC separated by content area.  Return any unused Session II test books to the STC separately.  Count all Session II test books and verify the total with the pretest number before returning to the STC.  Contact the STC for guidance regarding the handling of contaminated test books.  Return the Test Examiner’s Manual to the STC for shredding. 19

 At a minimum, two Group ID Sheets (GIS) per content area, per school, must be completed. For more information, refer to the GIS slide in the Test Coordinator’s portion of this presentation.  The DTC will assign responsibility to the STC or Examiner for completing the GIS. 20

 Appendix B (page 25) lists the accommodations for students who are English Language Learners (ELL). Take special note of those which result in invalidation and of the note at the bottom of the chart.  Appendix B (pages 26-27) lists the accommodations for students with disabilities. Again, take special note of those which result in invalidation and of the three notes at the bottom of the chart on page