ISIS-MICE TGT alignment m. apollonio IC purpose: understand sources of reduced rate comment: probably a 2 nd order effect CAVEAT: result still preliminary, need a thorough check Please DON’T use them in your simulations !!! 1MICE Beam Line PC
CAVEAT: used old drawings Author: MJK CLRC 2006 Plus some info from Note 216 2MICE Beam Line PC
1.76 o Q4-point-1 Q4-point-6 Inclined_Frame_2 Inclined_Frame_1 Inclined_Frame_3 3MICE Beam Line PC
“nominal” target bottom tip ISIS CL Used =24.5 Where is the actual intersection of Q-pole axis with tgt plane? 4MICE Beam Line PC
x y NB coordinates represented in the ISIS frame Q1 5MICE Beam Line PC
x z ~15. 6MICE Beam Line PC
y z 7
“nominal” target bottom tip ISIS CL here o o 256. ~15. 8MICE Beam Line PC a visual answer
CONCLUSIONS with a caveat - from this preliminary study a misalignment is noticed which correspond to an angle of o : it is the angle by which the bottom tip of the target (at its lowest point) sees the entrance of Q1 - how important is this to pion collection at the 1 st Q-pole? - my gut feeling says: not relevant - the real answer should rely on a MC simulation - I used an old reference (1 st survey by CCLRC) because I think I understand the drawings. Also partly used info from note 216, but I found it a bit more difficult to understand. So I want to have the latest figures and re-calculate the axis of the q-poles towards the target plane - before launching yourself into simulations let me be convinced of the numbers 9MICE Beam Line PC