Representative competition between teams from the North-West, North and South Ages are U/13, U14, U15 & U/16 Boys and U13 & U16 Girls Players are then selected from this Cup for their respective age group State development squads U16 Boys play for 4 days from December 19 th to 21 st (in South) U13, U14 & U15 Boys play for 4 days from January 9 th – 12 th (in NW) U13 & U16 Girls play for 3 days from 30 th January to 1 st February (in North) Matches are played at various grounds in each region All teams will play in their regions colours – Red (South), Yellow (North) and Green (North-West) This year new team names have been added – North-West Lightning, Northern Force and Southern Storm AND, to replicate elite level playing conditions, white balls, coloured clothing and pads will be introduced, which make for exciting cricket and strong media interest
NAMING RIGHTS FOR THE CUP - The Commonwealth Bank is proudly sponsoring all Youth Development Pathway Programmes in Tasmania and as such are the naming rights sponsor of the Intrastate Cup 2011/12 - The CBA own the naming rights across ALL 3 regions and will be placed on every age group’s playing shirts - CBA is first name on any media releases, website content and player/parent handbooks - Access to all players/parents/supporters through promotional activities at any match days - Opportunity to make this a long-standing naming rights partnership e.g. Kookaburra Cup is now in it’s 26 th year
TEAM NAMING RIGHTS SPONSORS - Each team/region will be allowed 1 Team naming rights sponsor - Company Logo placed on centre front of ALL your region’s playing shirts – great advertising and community recognition - Team name referred to as e.g. “ your company Southern Storm” - This ownership is for ALL age teams in the region you choose u/13 - u/16 - Ability to use your Team’s IP and photos in your company advertising/promotions (subject to CT and parent approval) - Game day activations at all matches in all regions - Company logo link on CT website as acknowledgment of your sponsorship - Framed Team shirt signed by captains (great reception display) - 12 Team caps - 12 x General Admission Tickets to all 4 Ryobi Cup Tigers matches in Tas. - Cost: $3,500 - BONUS OFFER – put your logo on the right sleeve of ALL playing shirts in your selected region for just an extra $750 when you take the Team naming rights package and add on benefits of Sleeve Sponsor category - EXTRA SPECIAL – DO YOU WANT ALL 3 REGIONS? Take all 3 regions for just $9k and triple your advertising and CT benefits packages
SLEEVE SPONSORSHIP - Each team/region will be allowed 1 sleeve sponsor - Company Logo placed on right sleeve (left sleeve sold to Bodyscience BSc) of your region’s playing shirts – great advertising and community recognition - This ownership is for ALL age teams in the region you choose and ages u/13 - u/16 - Ability to use your Team’s IP and photos in your company advertising/promotions (subject to CT and parent approval) - Game day activations matches in your region only - 6 Team caps + 1 playing shirt - 6 x General Admission Tickets to all 4 Ryobi Cup Tigers matches in Tas. - Cost: $1,000 - BONUS OFFER – put your logo on the right sleeve of ALL playing shirts in ALL 3 regions for an extra $1,000 when you take 1 sleeve sponsor package and add on the benefits of 3 regions Sleeve Sponsor categories = $3,000 total value for $2,000 - EXTRA SPECIAL – TAKE ALL 3 REGIONS right SLEEVES and get the lower back of the shirt in ALL 3 regions for just an extra $1,000 and really make an impact with your advertising and CT benefits packages = $2,000 + $1,000 = $3,000 total