Fall Team Meeting Friday, September 26, 5:30pm UHN, Room 16
Welcome Get FIRED UP! Introductions Icebreaker
Goals Lead Team Goals Develop a strong team – on & off the court Play the best & most competitive team Have FUN! Coach’s Goals Develop a sustainable team beyond my tenure Players learn more about the game Participate in the National Tournament
Expectations Coach’s Expectations – On The Court Be open to, and invite feedback from the team and coach Hustle at all times Learn the rules & procedures of the game NO EXCUSES Play with emotion rather than showing excessive emotion PUT TEAM FIRST, above self. PLAY AND ACT SELFLESSLY. This is a TEAM game. Support your teammates – respect them and give them encouragement Use appropriate language (i.e. do not curse)
Expectations Coach’s Expectations – Off The Court Communicate with coach and Club President regarding schedule conflicts (i.e. missing practice) You can at NO HAZING NO drugs or alcohol at any team function regardless of age Police Blotter = Off the team Respond in a timely fashion to s, forms, questions, and information that is required of you. This means within 24 hours. Take care of our equipment
Expectations Player’s Expectations of each other and coach Small Activity “I like it when…” “It ticks me off when…” “It helps me if…” “I appreciate it when…” “I don’t like it when…”
Technology Team Website The Lynx UVM’s Online Portal for Clubs & Organizations tMyHome tMyHome
Year in Review ( Fall Semester Practices 2-3 times a week Essex League (every Thursday until Nov. 13 th, 5:45pm – 10:30pm) Preseason Tournament (TBD) Spring Semester Practices 2-3 times a week 3 NECVL Divisional Tournaments NECVL Regional Championships (pending qualification) Nationals: April 8 th – 12 th (BIG GOAL)
Team Responsibilities Dues - $50 Check, made out to Domonic Rollins, or cash Supports apparel, activities and establishes commitment Deadline: October 1st Certifications Van Driver Saturday, October 11 th from 10:00am-12:00pm First Aid/CPR Certification Need at least 3 more people to be certified Cost is $10 - $15 (waiting on confirmation) Dates Available: 10/15 - 5pm, 10/19 – noon, 10/22 - 5pm, 10/29 - 5pm
Team Responsibilities Fund Raising Letter Writing Campaign You submit addresses, we send letters, your contacts send us money Prize for the team member whose contacts raise the most money Equipment Uniforms Must complete contract - SGA property Share the responsibility Includes balls, nets, first aid kit, etc.
Tournaments / Competitive Play Essex League (scheduled) Siena Tournament (scheduled – Oct. 25th) Participated last year, fun day-long tourney Middlebury Scrimmage (to be scheduled) Working on getting Middlebury to come to UVM for a Sunday Play Day Boston Scrimmage Day (tentatively Oct. 18 th – 19 th ) Possibly traveling to Boston to play area teams UVM Scrimmage Day (tentatively Nov. 16 th ) As a team we will host this event
Who Plays in Tournaments Is… Based On Talent Best Players What’s best for the team Who works hard in practice Who shows improvement Not Based On Seniority Leadership Positions Set Positions Age Ego
Logistics Leadership Team Positions Tournament Chair / Facilities Chair; Treasurer / Fund Raising Chair Insurance Waiver Home Home PE Credit – complete the form 1 credit per year for Club Volleyball Retroactive Credit is possible, not preferred Contact List – Verify 09%20Vball%20Contact%20List.pdf 09%20Vball%20Contact%20List.pdf Team Social – BRAINSTORM!
To Do List check‘em off Pay Dues Sign Up for The Lynx – Club Registration Complete Online Insurance Waiver Turn in PE Credit Form (if applicable) Complete Van Driver Certification Pre-Registration Submit Addresses for Fund Raiser Verify Contact Information Check Website for Updates - ALWAYS