Game Development Principles and Practices Dr. Yingcai Xiao
Game Development Practice Example with Unity3D and Kinect
The Unity3D Game Engine The Kinect Controller us/um/redmond/projects/kinectsdk/ us/um/redmond/projects/kinectsdk/ release-xbox-kinect-how-does-it-work/all/1 release-xbox-kinect-how-does-it-work/all/1Installation Unity.html Unity.htmlDemo
Professional Game Development
Pre-productionDesign phase: concept development ProductionMain stage of development. MilestonesMajor events of alpha, beta releases Post-productionSales and support Game Development Principles: The Process
High conceptMain idea, pitch document Concept documentation Game proposal, game plan Proof of conceptPrototyping, design document The Process: Pre-production: Three stages
designpresentation and rules of the game collaborative assetssprites, 3D models, audio artists codein graphical, scripting, or major programming languages, programmers level creation design and add features at different levels artists and designer testingquality assurancetesters The Process: Production: Assets and Code
First playableWith limited features AlphaWith full features, internal test Code freezeNo more programming BetaCompleted, external test. Gold masterFinal build for the distribution production The Process: Milestone: Major Events
MarketingTrade shows, app stores, communities Maintenance1:1000 rule Indie Development Independent games (indie games): Internet distribution (app stores) The Process: Post-production: Sales & Support