Modeling the Salish Sea: the MoSSea Project Parker MacCready, Dave Sutherland, Neil Banas Thanks to: PRISM, COFS, SoO, NSF, NOAA, EPA, and the Vetlesen Foundation
MoSSea: Modeling the Salish Sea Realistic hindcasts ROMS v.3 Tides TPXO 7.1 Rivers (16): USGS Wind & Heat Flux: MM5 Ocean OBC: Global NCOM
Annual Cycle
Annual-mean Exchange Flow in the Salish Sea
Residence Times
Nested sub-model of Admiralty Inlet
Comparison: Tides
Comparison: Monthly CTD Casts
Comparison: CTD statistics
Comparison: Low-passed velocity
Comparison: Mooring T & S SHELFHOOD CANAL
Comparison: Seaglider GH Line