EMERGING MARKETS Library Programs & Resources Jaron Porciello, Librarian, Mann Library
Objectives TEEAL & You Research Paper Resources Knowing how & where to ask for help
The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) Access to the thousands of full-text PDF articles from many of the world’s best journals. Offline product Severely limited bandwidth is a huge issue for many developing world economies. TEEAL is produced at Mann Library. We recently received a grant from the Gates Foundation to support training, production and outreach. Information is an increasingly valuable commodity in emerging markets. Contact TEEAL if you’d like to network with universities, ministries, NGO’s, when you go abroad. What is TEEAL? Considering a career in development?
Library Resources
Factiva Get to Factiva from the Library Web Site How can Factiva help you? Factiva provides access to more than 20,000 news sources from more than 159 countries in 22 languages, including more than 400 continuously updated newswires. Search news sources by company, industry, geography – perfect for creating a synthesis of information
Conducting a Factiva Search
Refining your query
Additional Factiva tools
Google Trends
FAOStat Provides time-series and cross sectional data relating to food and agriculture for some 200 countries.
International Financial Statistics Information on exchange, lending, and financial and economic indicators, such as GDP growth, inflation, and external debt.
Web Resources versus Library Resources Government (USDA) Agency (World Bank) Organization (Nokia) Wikipedia Use it. Don’t cite it. Books, images, journals and other material found via the library catalog. Databases provide a subject or topic based approach. Offers access to a wealth of peer- reviewed articles. Web ResourcesLibrary resources
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