animals singer’s arguments
consciousness The Consciousness Account: Humans have special value because they alone are conscious. Something is conscious in the minimal sense iff it has some sort of mental life (e.g., it is capable of having some sort of thoughts or desires or sensations or emotions). Something is self-conscious iff it is aware of its own existence.
souls The Soul Account: Humans have special value because they alone have immortal souls.
dominion The Dominion Account: Humans have special value because they have God- given dominion over all other animals.
kant Utilitarianism: The only thing of intrinsic value is pleasure (happiness) and the only thing of intrinsic disvalue is pain (unhappiness). An act is right iff it maximizes the overall ratio of pleasure to pain. Kantianism: The only thing of intrinsic value is humanity. An act is right iff it maximizes respect for humanity.
kant The Kantian Account: Humans have special value because they are the only things that have intrinsic value.
kant T his kind of rhetoric is popular and meets with little opposition. After all, why should we not attribute “intrinsic dignity” or “intrinsic worth” to ourselves? Why should we not say that we are the only things in the universe that have value? Our fellow human beings are unlikely to reject the accolades we so generously bestow upon them, and the other species to whom we deny the honor are unable to object…
kant …I use the term ‘speciesism’ to make the analogy between this attitude of preference for members of our own species, simply because they are members of our own species, and better-known attitudes like racism… and sexism… Once the parallel between these attitudes has been recognized, it is easy to see why we cannot say that membership in our species alone is enough to give a being special worth. If we are prepared to say that a being has less worth because it is not a member of our own species, how can we object to the racist… If species is a morally significant criterion, why isn’t race? (292-3)